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Re: speechd-el 2.10 released

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: speechd-el 2.10 released
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2021 22:40:07 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.2 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "NG" == Nicolas Graner <nicolas@graner.name> writes:

    NG> I note that it is still using the package cl, which is
    NG> deprecated as of emacs 27.1. It should use cl-lib instead. This
    NG> would require replacing calls to `loop' with `cl-loop' and
    NG> similarly for `incf', `destructuring-bind' and a few others.

Hi Nicolas,

yes, I already started converting it needs a bit more work to finish it,
mainly due to conversion to lexical let.

    NG> While I'm there, I suggest a change that you may or may not
    NG> agree with.

    NG> When speechd-speak-read-line reads a line that is folded into
    NG> several visual lines, I think it should only read to the end of
    NG> the current visual line rather than the logical line.

I think it is a good change, applied.

    NG> Here is a possible patch, although it doesn't work in
    NG> partial-width buffers and maybe other cases:

It’s a good start, thank you for the patch!


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