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From: Samuel Thibault
Subject: Re:
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 09:47:04 +0200


DD, le mar. 08 oct. 2024 01:14:05 -0400, a ecrit:
> Sorry if I haven't found doc for this, but does anyone know why voice
> type deffaults to malle1 even if spd-say does not specify -t male1 ?

It's always male1 by default for all modules, as initialized in

> To me, it's viscerally responsive (TM)

Good :D

> Piper/onnx notion of speaker is hidden from the user (spd-say) by
> expanding the modelname so that it has an integer index and speaker name
> from the speaker_id_map of the model's json config, eg:
> clean100~160~911
> The "names", here 911, from the json files for both arctic and clean100
> are pretty random looking, but they are what's in the files I have
> downloaded and work to provide unique voice names for spd-say -L and -y/.

But we could probably something like add a translation table in the
module to provide better-looking names for users?


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