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Re: [Taler] [CFRG] Call for adoption for draft-wood-cfrg-rsa-blind-signa

From: Jeff Burdges
Subject: Re: [Taler] [CFRG] Call for adoption for draft-wood-cfrg-rsa-blind-signatures
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2021 17:18:22 +0200

> On 29 Apr 2021, at 06:38, Jacob Bachmeyer <jcb62281@gmail.com> wrote:
> What are the consequences of using a "bad" value?

You inherently perform the GCD test when computing the modular multiplicative 

You could compute m (r^{-1})^e mod N when initially blinding and use sigma * r 
mod N when unblinding.  In this form, if r turns out not to be invertible then 
I guess you pick another r in a loop, but it’s fine if your code just panics. 


You could compute m r^e mod N when initially blinding and use sigma * r^{-1} 
mod N when unblinding.  In this form, if r turns out to not be invertible then 
it’s fine if your code just panics and the user looses their money.  

I’ve now forgotten if I was clever enough to use the first form in Taler or if 
I stupidly computed r^{-1} twice.

> Does the GCD test itself cause a timing leak or is it completed in constant 
> time?

It's a computation that should only happen once, but yes leaking even one bit 
sucks.  I’m unsure about the one-off leakage characteristics of RSA 

It’s likely you withdraw many coins at once so you batch inversion helps 
enormously, especially with one throw away element probably.  Again this favors 
the m (r^{-1})^e mod N form.


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