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From: Patrice Dumas
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 12:29:38 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 1cd9ec00406a39ef9fda3fa572198125a60dd5dc
Author: Patrice Dumas <pertusus@free.fr>
AuthorDate: Sat Jul 20 22:44:55 2024 +0200

    * tp/Texinfo/XS/convert/convert_html.c
    (special_characters_formatting): fix right quote numerical entity.
    * tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm (_initialize_output_state)
    (conversion_initialization): move Perl code related to setting up
    non_breaking_space, paragraph_symbol, resetting some configuration
    based on special characters and line_break_element from
    conversion_initialization to _initialize_output_state.
 ChangeLog                            |  11 +++
 tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm           | 128 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 tp/Texinfo/XS/convert/convert_html.c |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c479c27e0b..1222efa8bb 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -3,6 +3,17 @@
        * tp/Texinfo/XS/Makefile.am (ConvertXS_la_SOURCES): remove
        convert_html.c to only use shared data in libtexinfo-convert.
+2024-07-20  Patrice Dumas  <pertusus@free.fr>
+       * tp/Texinfo/XS/convert/convert_html.c
+       (special_characters_formatting): fix right quote numerical entity.
+       * tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm (_initialize_output_state)
+       (conversion_initialization): move Perl code related to setting up
+       non_breaking_space, paragraph_symbol, resetting some configuration
+       based on special characters and line_break_element from
+       conversion_initialization to _initialize_output_state.
 2024-07-20  Patrice Dumas  <pertusus@free.fr>
        * tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm (_initialize_output_state)
diff --git a/tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm b/tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm
index acfcd6961c..38fde9d1c7 100644
--- a/tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm
+++ b/tp/Texinfo/Convert/HTML.pm
@@ -12234,6 +12234,70 @@ sub _initialize_output_state($$)
   $self->{'css_rule_lines'} = [];
   $self->{'css_import_lines'} = [];
+  my %special_characters_set;
+  my $output_encoding = $self->get_conf('OUTPUT_ENCODING_NAME');
+  foreach my $special_character (keys(%special_characters)) {
+    my ($default_entity, $unicode_point)
+           = @{$special_characters{$special_character}};
+    if ($self->get_conf('OUTPUT_CHARACTERS')
+        and Texinfo::Convert::Unicode::unicode_point_decoded_in_encoding(
+                                         $output_encoding, $unicode_point)) {
+      $special_characters_set{$special_character}
+                                    = charnames::vianame("U+$unicode_point");
+    } elsif ($self->get_conf('USE_NUMERIC_ENTITY')) {
+      $special_characters_set{$special_character}
+                     = '&#'.hex($unicode_point).';';
+    } else {
+      $special_characters_set{$special_character} = $default_entity;
+    }
+  }
+  # used for direct access for speed
+  $self->{'non_breaking_space'} = 
+  $self->{'converter_info'}->{'non_breaking_space'}
+    = $special_characters_set{'non_breaking_space'};
+  $self->{'converter_info'}->{'paragraph_symbol'}
+    = $special_characters_set{'paragraph_symbol'};
+  if (not defined($self->get_conf('OPEN_QUOTE_SYMBOL'))) {
+    my $set = $self->set_conf('OPEN_QUOTE_SYMBOL',
+                      $special_characters_set{'left_quote'});
+    # override undef set in init file/command line
+    $self->force_conf('OPEN_QUOTE_SYMBOL', '') if (!$set);
+  }
+  if (not defined($self->get_conf('CLOSE_QUOTE_SYMBOL'))) {
+    my $set = $self->set_conf('CLOSE_QUOTE_SYMBOL',
+                        $special_characters_set{'right_quote'});
+    # override undef set in init file/command line
+    $self->force_conf('CLOSE_QUOTE_SYMBOL', '') if (!$set);
+  }
+  if (not defined($self->get_conf('MENU_SYMBOL'))) {
+    my $set = $self->set_conf('MENU_SYMBOL',
+                              $special_characters_set{'bullet'});
+    # override undef set in init file/command line
+    $self->force_conf('MENU_SYMBOL', '') if (!$set);
+  }
+  if ($self->get_conf('USE_XML_SYNTAX')) {
+    foreach my $customization_variable ('BIG_RULE', 'DEFAULT_RULE') {
+      my $variable_value = $self->get_conf($customization_variable);
+      if (defined($variable_value)) {
+        my $closed_lone_element = 
+        if ($closed_lone_element ne $variable_value) {
+          $self->force_conf($customization_variable, $closed_lone_element);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    $self->{'line_break_element'} = '<br/>';
+  } else {
+    $self->{'line_break_element'} = '<br>';
+  }
+  $self->{'converter_info'}->{'line_break_element'}
+    = $self->{'line_break_element'};
   # duplicate such as not to modify the defaults
   my $conf_default_no_arg_commands_formatting_normal
     = Storable::dclone($default_no_arg_commands_formatting{'normal'});
@@ -12404,70 +12468,6 @@ sub conversion_initialization($;$)
     $self->{'converter_info'}->{'document'} = $document;
-  my %special_characters_set;
-  my $output_encoding = $self->get_conf('OUTPUT_ENCODING_NAME');
-  foreach my $special_character (keys(%special_characters)) {
-    my ($default_entity, $unicode_point)
-           = @{$special_characters{$special_character}};
-    if ($self->get_conf('OUTPUT_CHARACTERS')
-        and Texinfo::Convert::Unicode::unicode_point_decoded_in_encoding(
-                                         $output_encoding, $unicode_point)) {
-      $special_characters_set{$special_character}
-                                    = charnames::vianame("U+$unicode_point");
-    } elsif ($self->get_conf('USE_NUMERIC_ENTITY')) {
-      $special_characters_set{$special_character}
-                     = '&#'.hex($unicode_point).';';
-    } else {
-      $special_characters_set{$special_character} = $default_entity;
-    }
-  }
-  # used for direct access for speed
-  $self->{'non_breaking_space'} = 
-  $self->{'converter_info'}->{'non_breaking_space'}
-    = $special_characters_set{'non_breaking_space'};
-  $self->{'converter_info'}->{'paragraph_symbol'}
-    = $special_characters_set{'paragraph_symbol'};
-  if (not defined($self->get_conf('OPEN_QUOTE_SYMBOL'))) {
-    my $set = $self->set_conf('OPEN_QUOTE_SYMBOL',
-                      $special_characters_set{'left_quote'});
-    # override undef set in init file/command line
-    $self->force_conf('OPEN_QUOTE_SYMBOL', '') if (!$set);
-  }
-  if (not defined($self->get_conf('CLOSE_QUOTE_SYMBOL'))) {
-    my $set = $self->set_conf('CLOSE_QUOTE_SYMBOL',
-                        $special_characters_set{'right_quote'});
-    # override undef set in init file/command line
-    $self->force_conf('CLOSE_QUOTE_SYMBOL', '') if (!$set);
-  }
-  if (not defined($self->get_conf('MENU_SYMBOL'))) {
-    my $set = $self->set_conf('MENU_SYMBOL',
-                              $special_characters_set{'bullet'});
-    # override undef set in init file/command line
-    $self->force_conf('MENU_SYMBOL', '') if (!$set);
-  }
-  if ($self->get_conf('USE_XML_SYNTAX')) {
-    foreach my $customization_variable ('BIG_RULE', 'DEFAULT_RULE') {
-      my $variable_value = $self->get_conf($customization_variable);
-      if (defined($variable_value)) {
-        my $closed_lone_element = 
-        if ($closed_lone_element ne $variable_value) {
-          $self->force_conf($customization_variable, $closed_lone_element);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    $self->{'line_break_element'} = '<br/>';
-  } else {
-    $self->{'line_break_element'} = '<br>';
-  }
-  $self->{'converter_info'}->{'line_break_element'}
-    = $self->{'line_break_element'};
   $self->{'shared_conversion_state'} = {};
   $self->{'multiple_pass'} = [];
diff --git a/tp/Texinfo/XS/convert/convert_html.c 
index 55b8c07408..69748d78de 100644
--- a/tp/Texinfo/XS/convert/convert_html.c
+++ b/tp/Texinfo/XS/convert/convert_html.c
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ static HTML_COMMAND_STRUCT 
 char *special_characters_formatting[SC_non_breaking_space+1][4] = {
   {"&para;", "\xC2\xB6", "00B6", "&#182;"},
   {"&lsquo;", "\xE2\x80\x98", "2018", "&#8216;"},
-  {"&rsquo;", "\xE2\x80\x99", "2019", "&#8216;"},
+  {"&rsquo;", "\xE2\x80\x99", "2019", "&#8217;"},
   {"&bull;", "\xE2\x80\xA2", "2022", "&#8226;"},
   {"&nbsp;", "\xC2\xA0", "00A0", "&#160;"},

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