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master updated (a63b03b1af -> 434b393230)

From: Patrice Dumas
Subject: master updated (a63b03b1af -> 434b393230)
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 19:57:19 -0400 (EDT)

pertusus pushed a change to branch master.

    from a63b03b1af * tp/Texinfo/XS/main/build_perl_info.c 
(fill_output_units_descriptor_av): store a the document descriptor along with 
output_units descriptor in the Perl output units data, as both the document and 
output units list number in document are needed to retrieve the output units 
list in C.
     new eb57078a73 * tp/t/30sectioning.t (in_menu_only_special_spaces_node), 
tp/t/40moresectioning.t (only_special_spaces_node), 
tp/t/input_files/only_special_spaces_node.texi: move TODO information out of 
texi files to .t files.
     new 434b393230 * tp/t/input_files/last_file_same_parser.texi: add an 

Summary of changes:
 ChangeLog                                               | 12 ++++++++++++
 tp/t/30sectioning.t                                     |  2 ++
 tp/t/40moresectioning.t                                 |  2 ++
 tp/t/input_files/in_menu_only_special_spaces_node.texi  |  3 +--
 tp/t/input_files/last_file_same_parser.texi             |  2 ++
 tp/t/input_files/only_special_spaces_node.texi          |  3 +--
 tp/t/results/moresectioning/only_special_spaces_node.pl | 17 +++--------------
 .../res_html/ichp.html                                  |  5 +++++
 .../res_info/last_file_same_parser.info                 |  2 ++
 .../sectioning/in_menu_only_special_spaces_node.pl      | 17 +++--------------
 .../sectioning/in_menu_only_special_spaces_node_menu.pl | 14 ++------------
 tp/t/same_parser_multiple_files.t                       |  8 +++++---
 12 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

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