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Re: [Texmacs-dev] Flatpak

From: T Rex
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] Flatpak
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 11:47:03 -0500

This is the command to install the temporary package:
flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/116218/org.texmacs.TeXmacs.flatpakref

 and this is the route of the request:

The package has little additional software. These environments can be incorporated using a plugin.
The package only has access to Documents, but can be modified by the user.

El vie, 5 jul 2024 a la(s) 8:02 p.m., T Rex (sixpalax@gmail.com) escribió:
Hello everyone, I would like to try to build the Texmacs flatpak package to make it available through Flahub, I would like to know if I can proceed.

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