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Re: [Texmacs-dev] New testing versions of TeXmacs are available thanks t

From: marc lalaude-labayle
Subject: Re: [Texmacs-dev] New testing versions of TeXmacs are available thanks to your help
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:01:57 +0100


the copy-paste problem is both ways (I can't copy from texmacs and paste elsewhere) and in fact really annoying : for example, i can't copy an hyperlink.

Best regards.


Le sam. 23 nov. 2024 à 08:59, marc lalaude-labayle <marc.lalaude@gmail.com> a écrit :

As an ubuntu user I chose to rely on Phil's ppa. A few days ago, i installed an update of texmacs. the version is : 2.1.4.svn14436+extras-1

I encounter some problems with copy-paste between any kind of external file (pdf, another texmacs session, a webpage ...) to the texmacs session i'm working on. It either doesn nothing or copy the last texmacs cut I made within my document.

I do not know if :

1. it is the best place to share and let you know these problems
2. since it could be more explained by the package more than by the original texmacs build itself
3. or just because of linux or ubuntu ...

Nonetheless, I thought it could be helpful to share this.

Best regards.


Le ven. 22 nov. 2024 à 12:50, Liza Belos <belos@lix.polytechnique.fr> a écrit :

Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your feedback! With your help, we’ve been able to fix many bugs in TeXmacs.

We have a new nightly build for Windows and Mac that includes all these fixes. You can download it here: https://ftp.texmacs.org/TeXmacs/dev/testing/20241122/

Best regards,


Liza Belos
Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'École Polytechnique

Mail LIX : belos@lix.polytechnique.fr
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