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Re: login fails

From: Michael Albinus
Subject: Re: login fails
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 11:35:30 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/20.7 (hpux)

address@hidden (Haines Brown) writes:

> I should interject that before, when I specified the file server
> account as "," that it was not a syntax error on
> my part, but actually the address of my account on the server, which
> includes prepends "ftp" as the beginning of its address. 

For hostname specification you could use both ""
and "", because they are resolved to the same IP

> I should recall that in ~/.emacs I have the lines:
>   (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/tramp/")
>   (require 'tramp)
>   (setq tramp-default-method "ssh")  
> The good news. When I do on the new disk:
>   C-x C-f /address@hidden:/html
> I get in, and things function properly.
> However, I see no evidence I'm using ssh. In the emacs buffer: "*ftp
> address@hidden I get roughly the following:
>   ftp> open
>   ...
>   230 restricted user logged in
>   hash
>   ftp> [etc. Results of my commands ls and cd]
> Should I see evidence here of ssh? Or is ssh usage implicit?

Here a Tramp optimization happens. Usually, you should write
"/method:address@hidden:localpath". Because this is longish, you can
abbreviate it. "user" is mostly expanded to your local login name, and
"method" is mostly expanded to the value of variable
`tramp-default-method'. Exception: there is the variable
`tramp-default-method-alist'. If you check its default value you'll
see, that all hostnames which start with the string "ftp." will use
the method "ftp". So if you want to use the method "ssh" on host
"", the method "ssh" must be given explicitely.

> I found that if I use 
>   C-x C-f /ftp:address@hidden:/html
> I also get in OK, even though I've truncated the account name. Could
> it be that my specification of the ftp mode was parsed by the
> server?

See explanation above: No default values have been applied, because
you have given all parts of the filename, inclusive the method
"ftp". And the host is virtually the same.

> When I tried:
>   C-x C-f /ssh:address@hidden:/html
> It can't establish authenticity for host "" and
> I get the "File not found and directory write protected" error. Same
> thing when I use: 
>   C-x C-f /ssh:address@hidden:/html
> although one time it did get me into the server root directory, but no
> "html" directory on it for me to go to.

This looks like an ssh problem. Did you check that the following
command works for you:

ssh -l usr1066

> So, while tramp is working for me, I'm uncertain that when I specify
> no mode in the address, it is actually using the line in ~/.emacs to
> default to ssh. 

It does when you open "/address@hidden:".

> Haines Brown

Best regards, Michael.

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