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Cron <address@hidden> $HOME/cron/bin/no-grace-items

From: Cron Daemon
Subject: Cron <address@hidden> $HOME/cron/bin/no-grace-items
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2012 06:00:26 -0500

make: Entering directory `/srv/data/home/g/gnun/checkouts/www/server/gnun'
PO=../../po/ ; /home/g/gnun/install/gnun/libexec/gnun/mailfail  
address@hidden "[GNUN Error] ${PO#../../} is not a valid PO file"  
/home/g/gnun/install/gettext/bin/msgfmt --check --verbose 
--output-file=/dev/null $PO || (touch $PO ; exit 1)
51 translated messages.
/bin/sed '1{ :egin; /\nmsgstr /b msgstr; N; begin; :msgstr; N; /\nmsgstr 
.*\n\n/b process; b msgstr; :process; address@hidden(\nmsgstr.*\n"Content-Type: 
text/plain; charset\)=CHARSET\\n"\n@ \1=UTF-8\\n"\n@; /\nmsgstr 
.*\n"Content-Type:/! address@hidden(\nmsgstr .*\n\)address@hidden"Content-Type: 
text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n"\n\n@; s/\(\n"Content-Transfer-Encoding:\) 
ENCODING\\n"\n/\1 8bit\\n"\n/; /\nmsgstr .*\n"Content-Transfer-Encoding:/! 
s/\(\nmsgstr .*\n\)\n/\1"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"\n\n/; }'  
../../po/  | /home/g/gnun/install/gettext/bin/msgmerge --previous  -C 
compendia/ -o  ../../po/ - 
../../po/home.pot && if ([ ! -f  ../../po/ ] || [ "`diff -U 0  
../../po/  ../../po/ | /bin/grep -v "^\(---\|+++\|@@\)" 
| /bin/grep -v '^[-+]"\(POT-Creation-Date\|PO-Revision-Date\|Language\):' | wc 
-c`" -ne 0 ]); then mv  ../../po/  ../../po/ ; else rm 
-f  ../../po/; fi && touch  ../../po/ && (if LC_ALL=C 
/home/g/gnun/install/gettext/bin/msgfmt --statistics -o /dev/null  
../../po/ 2>&1 | /bin/grep -E '(fuzzy|untranslated)[^:]*$' > 
/dev/null; then ((/bin/sed --quiet '1,/^msgstr/d;/^$/q 
0;/^"Outdated-Since:/{s/^"Outdated-Since: \(.*\).."$/\1/;p;q 1;}'  
../../po/; test $? != 0 ) > /dev/null || /bin/sed --in-place 
'1,/^"POT-Creation-Date:/{ p;s/^"POT-Creation-Date:/"Outdated-Since:/;h;d}; 
1,/^"Content-Transfer-Encoding:/{ s/^\("Content-Transfer-Encoding: \)/\1/;p;t 
insert;d; :insert x}'  ../../po/; else /bin/sed --in-place '/^msgid 
""$/,/^$/{s/^"Outdated-Since: //;t rm;p;:rm d}'  ../../po/; fi;  
/home/g/gnun/install/gnun/libexec/gnun/add-fuzzy-diff --in-place  
../../po/; ); po4a-translate --format=xhtml --master-charset=utf-8 -o 
ontagerror=silent -o "attributes=<meta>content" -o "untranslated=W<gnun> 
W<script>" -o "translated=W<pre>" --keep=0 --master ../../po/home.proto --po  
../../po/ --localized ../../po/; /bin/sed --in-place 
's%<!-- This file is automatically generated by GNUnited Nations! -->%&\n 
<!--#set var="ENGLISH_PAGE" value="/home.en.html" -->\n%' ../../po/; 
/bin/sed --in-place  -e 's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/header\)\(.html\" 
-->\)%\\2%g'  -e 's%\(<!--#include 
virtual=\"/server/head-include-1\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  -e 
's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/head-include-2\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  
-e 's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/banner\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  -e 
's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/html5-header\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  
-e 's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/html5-head-include-1\)\(.html\" 
-->\)%\\2%g'  -e 's%\(<!--#include 
virtual=\"/server/body-include-1\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  -e 
's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/body-include-2\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  
-e 's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/footer\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  -e 
's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/footer-short\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  
-e 's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/footer-min\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  
-e 's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/philosophy/philosophy-menu\)\(.html\" 
-->\)%\\2%g'  -e 's%\(<!--#include 
virtual=\"/server/skip-translations\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  -e 
's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/server/top-addendum\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g'  
-e 's%\(<!--#include virtual=\"/planetfeeds\)\(.html\" -->\)%\\2%g' 
........... done.
/bin/sed --in-place 
"s/\(<gnun>m4_include(\`.*\)\([.]html')<\/gnun>\)/\\2/g" ../../po/
/bin/sed --in-place "s/<gnun>\(.*\)<\/gnun>/\1/g" ../../po/
/bin/sed --in-place ':egin;N;$!begin;s/\([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\)\{3,\}<!--/\n\n<!--/g' 
[ ! -f ../../ ] || /bin/sed --in-place "s/\(<!--#include 
file=\"gnusflashes*\)\(.include\" -->\)/\\2/g" ../../po/
(/bin/sed --quiet '1,/^msgstr/d;/^$/q 0;/^"Outdated-Since:/{s/^"Outdated-Since: 
\(.*\).."$/\1/;p;q 1;}' ../../po/; test $? != 0 ) > /dev/null || ([ 
-f ../../po/ ] || (touch ../../po/  ;  cvs add 
../../po/; cp ../../home.html ../../po/
rm -f ../../
/home/g/gnun/install/gnun/libexec/gnun/expand-m4-includes ../../po/ > 
/home/g/gnun/install/gnun/libexec/gnun/validate-html-notify  address@hidden 
../../ || ( rm -f 
../../; PO=../../po/ ; sleep 1 ; 
touch $PO ; if test -f ../../ ; then echo "touch 
--reference=../../ --date='+1 seconds' $PO" > ; 
else echo "echo; echo ../../ has never been built." > ; fi; exit 1)
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
[ -f ../../ ] || (touch ../../  ;  cvs add 
chmod +w ../../
mv ../../ ../../
langs=$(echo ../../philosophy/categories.*.html | /bin/sed 
's%../../philosophy/categories\.%%g;s/\.html//g;s/\*//'); test -z "${langs}" || 
for l in ${langs}; do article=philosophy/categories; 
po=../../${article%/*}/po/${article##*/}.${l}.po; test -f "${po}" || continue; 
script=; for url in /philosophy/category.png; do base=${url%.*}; 
ext=${url##*.}; escaped_url=$(echo ${url} | /bin/sed 's/\./\\./g'); 
escaped_localized_url=$(echo ${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.} | /bin/sed 
's/\./\\./g'); if test -f ../..${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.}; then 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; else 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; fi; done; script=$(echo 
${script} | /bin/sed "s/^ *//g"); file=../../philosophy/categories.${l}.html; 
if test -n "${script}"; then /bin/sed "${script}" ${file} > ${file}.tmp; if ! 
cmp -s ${file} ${file}.tmp; then cp ${file}.tmp ${file}; fi; rm -f ${file}.tmp; 
fi; done;  langs=$(echo ../../licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.*.html | /bin/sed 
's%../../licenses/quick-guide-gplv3\.%%g;s/\.html//g;s/\*//'); test -z 
"${langs}" || for l in ${langs}; do article=licenses/quick-guide-gplv3; 
po=../../${article%/*}/po/${article##*/}.${l}.po; test -f "${po}" || continue; 
script=; for url in /licenses/quick-guide-gplv3-compatibility.png; do 
base=${url%.*}; ext=${url##*.}; escaped_url=$(echo ${url} | /bin/sed 
's/\./\\./g'); escaped_localized_url=$(echo ${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.} | 
/bin/sed 's/\./\\./g'); if test -f ../..${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.}; then 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; else 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; fi; done; script=$(echo 
${script} | /bin/sed "s/^ *//g"); 
file=../../licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.${l}.html; if test -n "${script}"; then 
/bin/sed "${script}" ${file} > ${file}.tmp; if ! cmp -s ${file} ${file}.tmp; 
then cp ${file}.tmp ${file}; fi; rm -f ${file}.tmp; fi; done;  langs=$(echo 
../../licenses/gpl-faq.*.html | /bin/sed 
's%../../licenses/gpl-faq\.%%g;s/\.html//g;s/\*//'); test -z "${langs}" || for 
l in ${langs}; do article=licenses/gpl-faq; 
po=../../${article%/*}/po/${article##*/}.${l}.po; test -f "${po}" || continue; 
script=; for url in /licenses/template-diagram.png; do base=${url%.*}; 
ext=${url##*.}; escaped_url=$(echo ${url} | /bin/sed 's/\./\\./g'); 
escaped_localized_url=$(echo ${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.} | /bin/sed 
's/\./\\./g'); if test -f ../..${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.}; then 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; else 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; fi; done; script=$(echo 
${script} | /bin/sed "s/^ *//g"); file=../../licenses/gpl-faq.${l}.html; if 
test -n "${script}"; then /bin/sed "${script}" ${file} > ${file}.tmp; if ! cmp 
-s ${file} ${file}.tmp; then cp ${file}.tmp ${file}; fi; rm -f ${file}.tmp; fi; 
done;  langs=$(echo ../../licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-faq.*.html | /bin/sed 
's%../../licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-faq\.%%g;s/\.html//g;s/\*//'); test -z 
"${langs}" || for l in ${langs}; do article=licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-faq; 
po=../../${article%/*}/po/${article##*/}.${l}.po; test -f "${po}" || continue; 
script=; for url in /licenses/template-diagram.png; do base=${url%.*}; 
ext=${url##*.}; escaped_url=$(echo ${url} | /bin/sed 's/\./\\./g'); 
escaped_localized_url=$(echo ${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.} | /bin/sed 
's/\./\\./g'); if test -f ../..${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.}; then 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; else 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; fi; done; script=$(echo 
${script} | /bin/sed "s/^ *//g"); 
file=../../licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-faq.${l}.html; if test -n "${script}"; 
then /bin/sed "${script}" ${file} > ${file}.tmp; if ! cmp -s ${file} 
${file}.tmp; then cp ${file}.tmp ${file}; fi; rm -f ${file}.tmp; fi; done;  
langs=$(echo ../../graphics/freedom.*.html | /bin/sed 
's%../../graphics/freedom\.%%g;s/\.html//g;s/\*//'); test -z "${langs}" || for 
l in ${langs}; do article=graphics/freedom; 
po=../../${article%/*}/po/${article##*/}.${l}.po; test -f "${po}" || continue; 
script=; for url in /graphics/stallman.png; do base=${url%.*}; ext=${url##*.}; 
escaped_url=$(echo ${url} | /bin/sed 's/\./\\./g'); 
escaped_localized_url=$(echo ${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.} | /bin/sed 
's/\./\\./g'); if test -f ../..${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.}; then 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; else 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; fi; done; script=$(echo 
${script} | /bin/sed "s/^ *//g"); file=../../graphics/freedom.${l}.html; if 
test -n "${script}"; then /bin/sed "${script}" ${file} > ${file}.tmp; if ! cmp 
-s ${file} ${file}.tmp; then cp ${file}.tmp ${file}; fi; rm -f ${file}.tmp; fi; 
done;  langs=$(echo ../../education/education.*.html | /bin/sed 
's%../../education/education\.%%g;s/\.html//g;s/\*//'); test -z "${langs}" || 
for l in ${langs}; do article=education/education; 
po=../../${article%/*}/po/${article##*/}.${l}.po; test -f "${po}" || continue; 
script=; for url in /education/rms-education-es.ogv; do base=${url%.*}; 
ext=${url##*.}; escaped_url=$(echo ${url} | /bin/sed 's/\./\\./g'); 
escaped_localized_url=$(echo ${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.} | /bin/sed 
's/\./\\./g'); if test -f ../..${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.}; then 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; else 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; fi; done; script=$(echo 
${script} | /bin/sed "s/^ *//g"); file=../../education/education.${l}.html; if 
test -n "${script}"; then /bin/sed "${script}" ${file} > ${file}.tmp; if ! cmp 
-s ${file} ${file}.tmp; then cp ${file}.tmp ${file}; fi; rm -f ${file}.tmp; fi; 
done;  langs=$(echo ../../education/edu-software-tuxpaint.*.html | /bin/sed 
's%../../education/edu-software-tuxpaint\.%%g;s/\.html//g;s/\*//'); test -z 
"${langs}" || for l in ${langs}; do article=education/edu-software-tuxpaint; 
po=../../${article%/*}/po/${article##*/}.${l}.po; test -f "${po}" || continue; 
script=; for url in /education/misc/tuxpaint-start-sm.png 
/education/misc/tuxpaint-start.png; do base=${url%.*}; ext=${url##*.}; 
escaped_url=$(echo ${url} | /bin/sed 's/\./\\./g'); 
escaped_localized_url=$(echo ${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.} | /bin/sed 
's/\./\\./g'); if test -f ../..${url%.*}.${l}.${url##*.}; then 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; else 
script="address@hidden@address@hidden; ${script}"; fi; done; script=$(echo 
${script} | /bin/sed "s/^ *//g"); 
file=../../education/edu-software-tuxpaint.${l}.html; if test -n "${script}"; 
then /bin/sed "${script}" ${file} > ${file}.tmp; if ! cmp -s ${file} 
${file}.tmp; then cp ${file}.tmp ${file}; fi; rm -f ${file}.tmp; fi; done;
make: Leaving directory `/srv/data/home/g/gnun/checkouts/www/server/gnun'
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining accessibility
cvs commit: Examining accessibility/po
cvs commit: Examining audio
cvs commit: Examining award
cvs commit: Examining award/1998
cvs commit: Examining award/1998/po
cvs commit: Examining award/1999
cvs commit: Examining award/1999/po
cvs commit: Examining award/2000
cvs commit: Examining award/2000/po
cvs commit: Examining award/2001
cvs commit: Examining award/2001/po
cvs commit: Examining award/2002
cvs commit: Examining award/2002/po
cvs commit: Examining award/2003
cvs commit: Examining award/2003/po
cvs commit: Examining award/po
cvs commit: Examining bulletins
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cvs commit: Examining cdn
cvs commit: Examining compliance
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cvs commit: Examining contact/po
cvs commit: Examining copyleft
cvs commit: Examining copyleft/po
cvs commit: Examining css_rtl
cvs commit: Examining distros
cvs commit: Examining distros/po
cvs commit: Examining distros/screenshots
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cvs commit: Examining events/porto-tech-city-2001-photos
cvs commit: Examining fry
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cvs commit: Examining fry/po
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cvs commit: Examining fun/jokes
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cvs commit: Examining fun/po
cvs commit: Examining fun/spam
cvs commit: Examining gethelp
cvs commit: Examining gnu
cvs commit: Examining gnu/po
cvs commit: Examining gnusearch
cvs commit: Examining graphics
cvs commit: Examining graphics/adrienne
cvs commit: Examining graphics/adrienne/po
cvs commit: Examining graphics/babies
cvs commit: Examining graphics/backgrounds
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cvs commit: Examining graphics/bvbn
cvs commit: Examining graphics/fsfsociety
cvs commit: Examining graphics/fsfsociety/po
cvs commit: Examining graphics/gnewsense
cvs commit: Examining graphics/gnu-post
cvs commit: Examining graphics/gnu-post/po
cvs commit: Examining graphics/lpf
cvs commit: Examining graphics/po
cvs commit: Examining graphics/presentation
cvs commit: Examining graphics/trisquel
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cvs commit: Examining gwm
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cvs commit: Examining japan/gnu-homej
cvs commit: Examining kids
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cvs commit: Examining licenses/old-licenses/po
cvs commit: Examining licenses/po
cvs commit: Examining links
cvs commit: Examining links/po
cvs commit: Examining manual
cvs commit: Examining music
cvs commit: Examining music/po
cvs commit: Examining order
cvs commit: Examining patent-examp
cvs commit: Examining people
cvs commit: Examining people/bkuhn
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cvs commit: Examining people/mattl
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cvs commit: Examining people/mattl/i/t
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cvs commit: Examining people/po
cvs commit: Examining philosophy
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/audio
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/economics_frank
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/economics_frank/po
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/fsfs
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/fsfs/es
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/fsfs/es2
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/fsfs/images
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/fsfs2
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/po
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/sco
cvs commit: Examining philosophy/sco/po
cvs commit: Examining po
cvs commit: Examining prep
cvs commit: Examining prep/maintain
cvs commit: Examining prep/maintain/dir
cvs commit: Examining prep/maintain/html_node
cvs commit: Examining prep/standards
cvs commit: Examining prep/standards/dir
cvs commit: Examining prep/standards/html_node
cvs commit: Examining prep/wrappers-and-scripts
cvs commit: Examining press
cvs commit: Examining pronunciation
cvs commit: Examining pronunciation/po
cvs commit: Examining rss
cvs commit: Examining security
cvs commit: Examining server
cvs commit: Examining server/gnun
cvs commit: Examining server/gnun/compendia
cvs commit: Examining server/po
cvs commit: Examining server/source
cvs commit: Examining server/source/linc
cvs commit: Examining server/source/planetrss
cvs commit: Examining server/source/po
cvs commit: Examining server/source/sitemap-generator
cvs commit: Examining server/staging
cvs commit: Examining server/staging/nav-bar
cvs commit: Examining server/staging/nav-bar/test7
cvs commit: Examining server/staging/nav-bar/test7-bkg-color
cvs commit: Examining server/staging/nav-bar/test7-inner-
cvs commit: Examining server/staging/prep
cvs commit: Examining server/staging/trans-list
cvs commit: Examining server/staging/trans-list1
cvs commit: Examining server/staging/trans-list2
cvs commit: Examining server/staging/translations
cvs commit: Examining server/standards
cvs commit: Examining server/standards/po
cvs commit: Examining server/standards/translations
cvs commit: Examining software
cvs commit: Examining software/bazaar
cvs commit: Examining software/bc
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dc-1.05
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/dvi
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/html_chapter
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/html_mono
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/html_node
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/info
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/ps
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/texi
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/text
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/dvi
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/html_chapter
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/html_mono
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/html_node
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/info
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/ps
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/texi
cvs commit: Examining software/bc/manual/text
cvs commit: Examining software/bfd
cvs commit: Examining software/bool
cvs commit: Examining software/bzr
cvs commit: Examining software/cash
cvs commit: Examining software/ccide
cvs commit: Examining software/checker
cvs commit: Examining software/cim.wait
cvs commit: Examining software/cpplib
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs/manual
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs/manual/dvi
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs/manual/html_chapter
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs/manual/html_mono
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs/manual/html_node
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs/manual/info
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs/manual/ps
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs/manual/texi
cvs commit: Examining software/cvs/manual/text
cvs commit: Examining software/dc
cvs commit: Examining software/dgs
cvs commit: Examining software/dia
cvs commit: Examining software/diction
cvs commit: Examining software/djgpp
cvs commit: Examining software/dmd
cvs commit: Examining software/doschk
cvs commit: Examining software/dr_geo
cvs commit: Examining software/elib
cvs commit: Examining software/eprints
cvs commit: Examining software/ffp
cvs commit: Examining software/finger
cvs commit: Examining software/finger/manual
cvs commit: Examining software/finger/manual/dvi
cvs commit: Examining software/finger/manual/html_chapter
cvs commit: Examining software/finger/manual/html_mono
cvs commit: Examining software/finger/manual/html_node
cvs commit: Examining software/finger/manual/info
cvs commit: Examining software/finger/manual/ps
cvs commit: Examining software/finger/manual/texi
cvs commit: Examining software/finger/manual/text
cvs commit: Examining software/flex
cvs commit: Examining software/fm
cvs commit: Examining software/fortran
cvs commit: Examining software/fribidi
cvs commit: Examining software/gems
cvs commit: Examining software/gems/graphics
cvs commit: Examining software/gems/haplo
cvs commit: Examining software/ghostview
cvs commit: Examining software/gimp
cvs commit: Examining software/git
cvs commit: Examining software/glib
cvs commit: Examining software/glibc
cvs commit: Examining software/gmp
cvs commit: Examining software/gmp/manual
cvs commit: Examining software/gmp/manual/dvi
cvs commit: Examining software/gmp/manual/html_mono
cvs commit: Examining software/gmp/manual/html_node
cvs commit: Examining software/gmp/manual/info
cvs commit: Examining software/gmp/manual/ps
cvs commit: Examining software/gmp/manual/texi
cvs commit: Examining software/gmp/manual/text
cvs commit: Examining software/gnat
cvs commit: Examining software/gnome
cvs commit: Examining software/gnubiff
cvs commit: Examining software/gnucash
cvs commit: Examining software/gnujdoc
cvs commit: Examining software/gnumach
cvs commit: Examining software/gnumeric
cvs commit: Examining software/gnuprologjava
cvs commit: Examining software/gnuskies
cvs commit: Examining software/gnusql
cvs commit: Examining software/gnustep-db
cvs commit: Examining software/goops
cvs commit: Examining software/goose
cvs commit: Examining software/gorm
cvs commit: Examining software/gpg
cvs commit: Examining software/gpkcs-11
cvs commit: Examining software/gprof
cvs commit: Examining software/graphics
cvs commit: Examining software/greg
cvs commit: Examining software/gretl
cvs commit: Examining software/grg
cvs commit: Examining software/gtk
cvs commit: Examining software/gtk+
cvs commit: Examining software/gtkeditor
cvs commit: Examining software/gtkeyboard
cvs commit: Examining software/guile-dbi
cvs commit: Examining software/gurgle
cvs commit: Examining software/help2man
cvs commit: Examining software/hp2xx
cvs commit: Examining software/httptunnel
cvs commit: Examining software/icecat
cvs commit: Examining software/intlfonts
cvs commit: Examining software/ispell
cvs commit: Examining software/java
cvs commit: Examining software/java-getopt
cvs commit: Examining software/less
cvs commit: Examining software/libxmi
cvs commit: Examining software/linux-libre
cvs commit: Examining software/lispintro
cvs commit: Examining software/lrzsz
cvs commit: Examining software/lsh
cvs commit: Examining software/marst
cvs commit: Examining software/maxima
cvs commit: Examining software/mediagoblin
cvs commit: Examining software/melting
cvs commit: Examining software/messenger
cvs commit: Examining software/meta-html
cvs commit: Examining software/mgcp
cvs commit: Examining software/mig
cvs commit: Examining software/mpc
cvs commit: Examining software/mpfr
cvs commit: Examining software/mswordview
cvs commit: Examining software/nethack
cvs commit: Examining software/nettle
cvs commit: Examining software/nosql
cvs commit: Examining software/obst
cvs commit: Examining software/panorama
cvs commit: Examining software/panorama/images
cvs commit: Examining software/panorama/scenes
cvs commit: Examining software/pascal
cvs commit: Examining software/patchwork
cvs commit: Examining software/pcb
cvs commit: Examining software/perl
cvs commit: Examining software/pgccfd
cvs commit: Examining software/
cvs commit: Examining software/phantom_home
cvs commit: Examining software/pies
cvs commit: Examining software/pipo
cvs commit: Examining software/pipo/bot-AI
cvs commit: Examining software/pips
cvs commit: Examining software/plotutils
cvs commit: Examining software/plotutils/manual
cvs commit: Examining software/plotutils/manual/en
cvs commit: Examining software/plotutils/manual/en/html_node
cvs commit: Examining software/plotutils/manual/jp
cvs commit: Examining software/po
cvs commit: Examining software/poc
cvs commit: Examining software/proto
cvs commit: Examining software/ptx
cvs commit: Examining software/queue
cvs commit: Examining software/quickthreads
cvs commit: Examining software/r
cvs commit: Examining software/radio
cvs commit: Examining software/rat
cvs commit: Examining software/recode
cvs commit: Examining software/reftex
cvs commit: Examining software/robots
cvs commit: Examining software/rx
cvs commit: Examining software/smail
cvs commit: Examining software/smarteiffel
cvs commit: Examining software/snakecharmer
cvs commit: Examining software/speedx
cvs commit: Examining software/stump
cvs commit: Examining software/superopt
cvs commit: Examining software/sxml
cvs commit: Examining software/talkfilters
cvs commit: Examining software/termcap
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3/dvi
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3/html_chapter
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3/html_mono
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3/html_node
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3/info
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3/ps
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3/texi
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3/text
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termutils-2.0
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termutils-2.0/dvi
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termutils-2.0/html_chapter
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termutils-2.0/html_mono
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termutils-2.0/html_node
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termutils-2.0/info
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termutils-2.0/ps
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termutils-2.0/texi
cvs commit: Examining software/termutils/manual/termutils-2.0/text
cvs commit: Examining software/uucp
cvs commit: Examining software/vera
cvs commit: Examining software/vrweb
cvs commit: Examining software/webstump
cvs commit: Examining software/xaos
cvs commit: Examining software/xbase
cvs commit: Examining software/xhippo
cvs commit: Examining software/xinfo
cvs commit: Examining software/xmhtml
cvs commit: Examining software/xmorph
cvs commit: Examining software/xshogi
cvs commit: Examining software/zebra
cvs commit: Examining testimonials
cvs commit: Examining testimonials/po
cvs commit: Examining thankgnus
cvs commit: Examining thankgnus/po
cvs commit: Examining usenet
cvs commit: Examining volunteers
cvs commit: Examining wwwin
cvs commit: Examining wwwin/contrib
cvs commit: Examining wwwin/free-software-directory
cvs commit: Examining wwwin/fsf
cvs commit: Examining wwwin/graphics
cvs commit: Examining wwwin/help
cvs commit: Examining wwwin/news
cvs commit: Examining wwwin/philosophy
cvs commit: Examining wwwin/press
? thankgnus/po/thankgnus.proto
? thankgnus/po/thankgnus.ja.m4
? thankgnus/po/2012supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2011supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2010supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2009supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2008supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2007supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2006supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2005supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2004supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2003supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2002supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2001supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/2000supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/1999supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/1998supporters.proto
? thankgnus/po/1997supporters.proto
? testimonials/po/useful.proto
? testimonials/po/testimonials.proto
? testimonials/po/testimonial_research_ships.proto
? testimonials/po/testimonial_mondrup.proto
? testimonials/po/testimonial_media.proto
? testimonials/po/testimonial_cadcam.proto
? testimonials/po/testimonial_HIRLAM.proto
? testimonials/po/supported.proto
? testimonials/po/reliable.proto
? software/po/software.zh-cn.m4
? software/po/software.sq.m4
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/software.proto
? software/po/software.ja.m4
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/software.el.m4
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/reliability.zh-cn.m4
? software/po/
? software/po/reliability.proto
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/reliability.ja.m4
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/reliability.fa.m4
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/for-windows.proto
? software/po/
? software/po/devel.zh-cn.m4
? software/po/devel.proto
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/
? software/po/
? server/standards/po/webmaster-quiz.sq.m4
? server/standards/po/webmaster-quiz.proto
? server/standards/po/
? server/standards/po/README.translations.proto
? server/standards/po/
? server/standards/po/
? server/standards/po/
? server/standards/po/README.editors.proto
? server/source/po/source.proto
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/whatsnew.sq.m4
? server/po/whatsnew.sq.html
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/whatsnew.proto
? server/po/whatsnew.ja.m4
? server/po/whatsnew.ja.html
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/top-addendum.proto
? server/po/
? server/po/tasks.sq.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/tasks.proto
? server/po/tasks.ja.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/takeaction.sq.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/takeaction.proto
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/takeaction.ja.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/skip-translations.proto
? server/po/
? server/po/sitemap.sq.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/sitemap.proto
? server/po/
? server/po/sitemap.ja.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/server.sq.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/server.proto
? server/po/server.ja.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/mirror.sq.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/mirror.proto
? server/po/mirror.ja.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/irc-rules.sq.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/irc-rules.proto
? server/po/irc-rules.ja.m4
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/body-include-1.proto
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/08whatsnew.sq.m4
? server/po/08whatsnew.proto
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/po/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/master-translated.ko.po
? server/gnun/compendia/master-translated.ja.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/master-translated.el.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.zh-tw.po
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.zh-cn.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.ta.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.sq.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.nb.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.ko.po
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.ja.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.he.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.fa.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.el.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/fuzzified-compendium.cs.po
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? server/gnun/compendia/
? pronunciation/po/pronunciation.proto
? pronunciation/po/pronunciation.ko.m4
? pronunciation/po/pronunciation.ja.m4
? pronunciation/po/
? po/provide.sq.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/provide.proto
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/provide.ko.m4
? po/provide.ja.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/provide.fa.m4
? po/provide.el.m4
? po/
? po/provide.cs.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/planetfeeds.proto
? po/keepingup.sq.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/keepingup.proto
? po/
? po/keepingup.el.m4
? po/
? po/home.zh-cn.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/home.sq.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/home.proto
? po/
? po/
? po/home.nb.m4
? po/home.ko.m4
? po/home.ja.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/home.fa.m4
? po/
? po/home.el.m4
? po/
? po/home.cs.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/home-staged.zh-cn.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/home-staged.sq.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/home-staged.proto
? po/
? po/
? po/home-staged.nb.m4
? po/home-staged.ko.m4
? po/home-staged.ja.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/home-staged.fa.m4
? po/
? po/home-staged.el.m4
? po/
? po/
? po/
? po/
? philosophy/sco/po/subpoena.proto
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/sco/po/sco.proto
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/sco/po/sco-without-fear.proto
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/sco/po/sco-v-ibm.proto
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/sco/po/sco-preemption.proto
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/sco/po/sco-gnu-linux.proto
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/sco/po/questioning-sco.proto
? philosophy/sco/po/
? philosophy/po/your-freedom-needs-free-software.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/your-freedom-needs-free-software.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/x.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/x.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/x.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/wsis.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/wsis-2003.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/words-to-avoid.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/wipo-PublicAwarenessOfCopyright-2002.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/why-free.zh-tw.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/why-free.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/why-free.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/why-free.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/why-copyleft.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/why-copyleft.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/why-copyleft.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/why-audio-format-matters.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/who-does-that-server-really-serve.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/who-does-that-server-really-serve.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/when_free_software_isnt_practically_better.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/wassenaar.proto
? philosophy/po/wassenaar.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/wassenaar.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/w3c-patent.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/vaccination.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/using-gfdl.proto
? philosophy/po/using-gfdl.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/use-free-software.proto
? philosophy/po/
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? philosophy/po/
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? philosophy/po/university.proto
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/udi.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/ucita.proto
? philosophy/po/ucita.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/trivial-patent.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/third-party-ideas.proto
? philosophy/po/third-party-ideas.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/the-root-of-this-problem.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/the-law-of-success-2.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/the-danger-of-ebooks.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/sylvester-response.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/sun-in-night-time.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/stophr3028.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/stallmans-law.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/stallmans-law.cs.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/stallman-mec-india.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/stallman-kth.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/speeches-and-interview.proto
? philosophy/po/speeches-and-interview.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/software-patents.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/software-literary-patents.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/software-libre-commercial-viability.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/social-inertia.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/shouldbefree.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/selling.proto
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/selling.ja.m4
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/selling.el.m4
? philosophy/po/selling.cs.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/selling-exceptions.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/self-interest.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/second-sight.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/savingeurope.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/savingeurope.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/rtlinux-patent.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/rms-on-radio-nz.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/rms-kol.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/rms-interview-edinburgh.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/rms-hack.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/rms-comment-longs-article.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/rms-aj.proto
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/right-to-read.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/right-to-read.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/right-to-read.ko-en.html
? philosophy/po/right-to-read.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
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? philosophy/po/right-to-read.fa.m4
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? philosophy/po/right-to-read.cs.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/rieti.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/reevaluating-copyright.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/push-copyright-aside.proto
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/public-domain-manifesto.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/protecting.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/protecting.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/programs-must-not-limit-freedom.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/privacyaction.proto
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/pragmatic.proto
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/pragmatic.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/pragmatic.ja.m4
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/pragmatic.fa.m4
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/practical.zh-cn.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/practical.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/practical.cs.m4
? philosophy/po/plan-nine.proto
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/pirate-party.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/pirate-party.cs.m4
? philosophy/po/philosophy.zh-cn.m4
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? philosophy/po/philosophy.sq.m4
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/philosophy.proto
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? philosophy/po/philosophy.ja.m4
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/philosophy.el.m4
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? philosophy/po/philosophy.cs.m4
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? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/philosophy-menu.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/patent-reform-is-not-enough.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/patent-practice-panel.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/papadopoulos-response.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/ough-interview.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/ouch-interview.proto
? philosophy/po/opposing-drm.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/open-source-misses-the-point.zh-cn.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/open-source-misses-the-point.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/open-source-misses-the-point.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/open-source-misses-the-point.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/not-ipr.zh-cn.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/not-ipr.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/not-ipr.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/not-ipr.el.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/nonsoftware-copyleft.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/nonfree-games.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/nonfree-games.cs.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/no-word-attachments.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/no-word-attachments.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/no-ip-ethos.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/nit-india.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/new-monopoly.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/network-services-arent-free-or-nonfree.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/netscape.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/netscape-npl.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/netscape-npl-old.proto
? philosophy/po/my_doom.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/my_doom.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/ms-doj-tunney.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/motif.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/moglen-harvard-speech-2004.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/misinterpreting-copyright.zh-cn.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/misinterpreting-copyright.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/microsoft.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/microsoft-verdict.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/microsoft-verdict.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/microsoft-old.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/microsoft-old.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/microsoft-new-monopoly.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/microsoft-antitrust.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/microsoft-antitrust.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/mcvoy.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/luispo-rms-interview.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/linux-gnu-freedom.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/lest-codeplex-perplex.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/lessig-fsfs-intro.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/latest-articles.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/kragen-software.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/kevin-cole-response.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/keep-control-of-your-computing.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/judge-internet-usage.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/javascript-trap.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/javascript-trap.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/java-trap.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/ipjustice.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/historical-apsl.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/hague.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/guardian-article.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/greve-clown.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/gpl-american-way.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/gpl-american-dream.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/government-free-software.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/government-free-software.el.m4
? philosophy/po/google-engineering-talk.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/gnutella.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/gnutella.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/gif.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/gif.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/gif.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/gates.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/fs-translations.proto
? philosophy/po/fs-translations.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/fs-translations.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/fs-motives.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/fs-motives.cs.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/freedom-or-power.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/freedom-or-power.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/freedom-or-power.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/freedom-or-copyright.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/freedom-or-copyright.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/freedom-or-copyright-old.proto
? philosophy/po/freedom-or-copyright-old.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-world.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-world-notes.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-sw.zh-tw.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-sw.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-sw.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-software-intro.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-software-intro.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-software-for-freedom.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-doc.zh-cn.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-doc.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-doc.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-digital-society.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/free-digital-society.el.m4
? philosophy/po/fire.sq.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/fire.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/fighting-software-patents.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/europes-unitary-patent.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/essays-and-articles.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/essays-and-articles.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/enforcing-gpl.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/eldred-amicus.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/ebooks.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/ebooks-must-increase-freedom.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/drdobbs-letter.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/dmarti-patent.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/digital-inclusion-in-freedom.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/dat.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/danger-of-software-patents.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/correcting-france-mistake.proto
? philosophy/po/correcting-france-mistake.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/copyright-versus-community-2000.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/copyright-and-globalization.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/computing-progress.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/compromise.zh-cn.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/compromise.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/compromise.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/compromise.el.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/censoring-emacs.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/censoring-emacs.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/categories.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/can-you-trust.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/can-you-trust.fa.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/can-you-trust.cs.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/bug.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/bug-nobody-allowed-to-understand.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/bsd.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/bsd.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/boldrin-levine.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/bdk.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/basic-freedoms.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/basic-freedoms.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/basic-freedoms.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/basic-freedoms.cs.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/assigning-copyright.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/apsl.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/apsl.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/anonymous-response.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/android-and-users-freedom.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/amazon.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/amazon.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/amazon.ja.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/amazon-rms-tim.sq.m4
? philosophy/po/amazon-rms-tim.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/amazon-nat.sq.m4
? philosophy/po/amazon-nat.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/amazon-nat.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/ICT-for-prosperity.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/15-years-of-free-software.sq.m4
? philosophy/po/15-years-of-free-software.proto
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/15-years-of-free-software.ko.m4
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/po/
? philosophy/economics_frank/po/frank.proto
? people/po/webmeisters.proto
? people/po/webmeisters.ja.m4
? people/po/
? people/po/speakers.proto
? people/po/
? people/po/people.proto
? people/po/
? people/po/
? people/po/past-webmasters.proto
? people/po/past-webmasters.ja.m4
? people/po/
? music/po/writing-fs-song.proto
? music/po/
? music/po/
? music/po/
? music/po/till_there_was_gnu.proto
? music/po/
? music/po/
? music/po/music.proto
? music/po/music.ja.m4
? music/po/
? music/po/
? music/po/gdb-song.proto
? music/po/
? music/po/
? music/po/free-software-song.proto
? music/po/
? music/po/
? music/po/emacsvsvi.proto
? music/po/
? music/po/blues-song.proto
? music/po/
? links/po/links.proto
? links/po/
? links/po/
? links/po/
? links/po/
? links/po/companies.proto
? links/po/
? links/po/
? links/po/
? links/po/
? links/po/
? links/po/
? licenses/po/why-not-lgpl.ta.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/why-not-lgpl.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/why-not-lgpl.ko.m4
? licenses/po/why-not-lgpl.ja.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/why-gfdl.proto
? licenses/po/why-gfdl.ja.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/why-assign.ta.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/why-assign.proto
? licenses/po/why-assign.ja.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/why-affero-gpl.proto
? licenses/po/why-affero-gpl.ko.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/why-affero-gpl.fa.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/translations.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/translations.ja.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/rms-why-gplv3.proto
? licenses/po/rms-why-gplv3.ja.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/recommended-copylefts.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/quick-guide-gplv3.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/licenses.zh-cn.m4
? licenses/po/licenses.sq.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/licenses.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/licenses.ja.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/licenses.el.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/license-recommendations.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/license-list.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/lgpl-java.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/lgpl-3.0.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/javascript-labels.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/javascript-labels-rationale.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/hessla.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gplv3-the-program.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gpl-violation.ta.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gpl-violation.proto
? licenses/po/gpl-violation.ja.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gpl-howto.ta.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gpl-howto.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gpl-faq.ta.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gpl-faq.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gpl-3.0.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gcc-exception-3.1.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gcc-exception-3.1-faq.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/gcc-exception-3.0.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/fdl-howto.ta.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/fdl-howto.proto
? licenses/po/fdl-howto.ja.m4
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/fdl-howto-opt.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/fdl-1.3.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/fdl-1.3-faq.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/exceptions.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/agpl-3.0.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/NYC_Seminars_Jan2004.proto
? licenses/po/
? licenses/po/210104_seminar.proto
? licenses/po/200104_seminar.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/old-licenses.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/lgpl-2.1.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/lgpl-2.1-translations.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/lgpl-2.1-translations.ja.m4
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/lgpl-2.0.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/gpl-2.0.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/gpl-2.0-translations.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/gpl-2.0-translations.ja.m4
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/gpl-2.0-faq.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/gpl-1.0.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/gcc-exception-translations.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/fdl-1.2.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/fdl-1.2-translations.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/fdl-1.1.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? licenses/old-licenses/po/fdl-1.1-translations.proto
? licenses/old-licenses/po/
? help/po/linking-gnu.proto
? help/po/
? help/po/help.sq.m4
? help/po/
? help/po/
? help/po/help.proto
? help/po/
? help/po/help.ja.m4
? help/po/
? help/po/
? help/po/
? help/po/help.el.m4
? help/po/
? help/po/
? help/po/
? help/po/help-hardware.proto
? help/po/
? help/po/
? help/po/gnu-bucks.proto
? help/po/
? help/po/gnu-bucks-recipients.proto
? help/po/
? help/po/gethelp.proto
? help/po/
? help/po/evaluation.proto
? help/po/
? help/po/
? help/po/directory.proto
? help/po/
? help/po/
? help/po/
? graphics/po/winkler-gnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/whatsgnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/whatsgnu.ko.m4
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/wallpapers.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/usegnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/supergnu-ascii.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/spiritoffreedom.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/slickgnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/reiss-gnuhead.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/philosoputer.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/philosophicalgnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/philosophicalgnu.ko.m4
? graphics/po/philosophicalgnu.ja.m4
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/package-logos.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/meditate.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/listen.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/license-logos.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/license-logos.ko.m4
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/kafa.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/hurd_mf.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/httptunnel-logo.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/hitflip-gnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/heckert_gnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/groff-head.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/graphics.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnusvgart.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnupascal.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnuolantern.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnubanner.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnu-slash-linux.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnu-jacket.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnu-ascii2.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnu-ascii.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnu-ascii-liberty.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gnu-alternative.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/gleesons.proto
? graphics/po/gleesons.ko.m4
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/fsf-logo.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/fromagnulinux.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/freedom.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/emacs-ref.proto
? graphics/po/emacs-ref.ko.m4
? graphics/po/digital-restrictions-management.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/bwcartoon.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/bokma-gnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/babygnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/avatars.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/atypinggnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/atypinggnu.ko.m4
? graphics/po/atypinggnu.ja.m4
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/anothertypinggnu.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/anlpflogo.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/anfsflogo.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/alternative-ascii.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/ahurdlogo.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/agnuhead.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/agnuhead.ko.m4
? graphics/po/agnuhead.ja.m4
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/agnubody.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/FSFS-logo.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/3dgnuhead.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/po/3dbabygnutux.proto
? graphics/po/
? graphics/gnu-post/po/index.proto
? graphics/gnu-post/po/
? graphics/fsfsociety/po/fsfsociety.proto
? graphics/fsfsociety/po/
? graphics/behroze/po/index.proto
? graphics/behroze/po/
? graphics/bahlon/po/index.proto
? graphics/bahlon/po/
? graphics/adrienne/po/index.proto
? graphics/adrienne/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/why-gnu-linux.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/why-gnu-linux.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/why-gnu-linux.ko.m4
? gnu/po/why-gnu-linux.ja.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/why-gnu-linux.fa.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/why-gnu-linux.el.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/why-gnu-linux.cs.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/thegnuproject.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/thegnuproject.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/thegnuproject.ja.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/thegnuproject.el.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/thegnuproject.cs.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/rms-lisp.sq.m4
? gnu/po/rms-lisp.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/manifesto.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/manifesto.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/manifesto.el.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/linux-and-gnu.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/linux-and-gnu.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/linux-and-gnu.ja.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/linux-and-gnu.fa.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/linux-and-gnu.cs.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/initial-announcement.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/initial-announcement.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/initial-announcement.cs.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu.ko.m4
? gnu/po/gnu.ja.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu.el.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-users-never-heard-of-gnu.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-users-never-heard-of-gnu.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-users-never-heard-of-gnu.ja.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-users-never-heard-of-gnu.fa.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-users-never-heard-of-gnu.cs.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-linux-faq.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-linux-faq.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-linux-faq.ja.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-history.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-history.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-history.ja.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/gnu-history.cs.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/byte-interview.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/byte-interview.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/about-gnu.sq.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/about-gnu.proto
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/about-gnu.ja.m4
? gnu/po/
? gnu/po/
? fun/po/humor.proto
? fun/po/humor.ja.m4
? fun/po/
? fun/po/
? fun/jokes/po/purchase.agreement.proto
? fun/jokes/po/
? fun/jokes/po/nobody-owns.proto
? fun/jokes/po/
? fun/jokes/po/merry-xmas.proto
? fun/jokes/po/long-options.proto
? fun/jokes/po/linus-islam.proto
? fun/jokes/po/last.bug.proto
? fun/jokes/po/know.your.sysadmin.proto
? fun/jokes/po/helloworld.proto
? fun/jokes/po/hello_world_patent.proto
? fun/jokes/po/happy-new-year.proto
? fun/jokes/po/happy-new-year.cfbC.proto
? fun/jokes/po/hap-bash.proto
? fun/jokes/po/hakawatha.proto
? fun/jokes/po/hackforfreedom.proto
? fun/jokes/po/hackersong.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gullibility.virus.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gospel.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gnuemacs.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gnuemacs.acro.exp.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gnu.jive.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gnu-song.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gnu-overflow.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gingrinch.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gcc_audio.proto
? fun/jokes/po/gcc.proto
? fun/jokes/po/fsf-in-german.proto
? fun/jokes/po/freesoftware.proto
? fun/jokes/po/foreign-signs.proto
? fun/jokes/po/filks.proto
? fun/jokes/po/evilmalware.proto
? fun/jokes/po/eternal-flame.proto
? fun/jokes/po/error-haiku.proto
? fun/jokes/po/errno.2.proto
? fun/jokes/po/ed.proto
? fun/jokes/po/ed.msg.proto
? fun/jokes/po/ed-msg.proto
? fun/jokes/po/echo.msg.proto
? fun/jokes/po/echo-msg.proto
? fun/jokes/po/doctor.manifesto.proto
? fun/jokes/po/dna.proto
? fun/jokes/po/
? fun/jokes/po/declarations.proto
? fun/jokes/po/deadbeef.proto
? fun/jokes/po/
? fun/jokes/po/courtroom.quips.proto
? fun/jokes/po/clinton.tree.proto
? fun/jokes/po/c+-.proto
? fun/jokes/po/bug.war.proto
? fun/jokes/po/brainfuck.proto
? fun/jokes/po/any-key.proto
? fun/jokes/po/
? fun/jokes/po/anagrams.proto
? fun/jokes/po/
? fun/jokes/po/10-kinds-of-people.proto
? fun/jokes/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/
? fry/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-translation.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-translation.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/
? fry/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-xine.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-xine.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-vlc.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-vlc.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-totem.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-totem.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-mplayer.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-mplayer.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-kaffeine.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-sfd-kaffeine.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-in-your-language.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-in-your-language.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-download.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-download.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/
? fry/po/
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-credits.sq.m4
? fry/po/happy-birthday-to-gnu-credits.proto
? fry/po/
? fry/po/
? fry/po/
? events/po/usenix-2001-lifetime-achievement.proto
? events/po/sco_without_fear.proto
? events/po/
? events/po/rms-nyu-2001-transcript.proto
? events/po/
? events/po/
? events/po/porto-tech-city-2001.proto
? events/po/nyc-2004-01.proto
? events/po/first-assoc-members-meeting.proto
? events/po/events.proto
? events/po/dinner-20030807.proto
? encyclopedia/po/free-encyclopedia.proto
? encyclopedia/po/
? encyclopedia/po/
? encyclopedia/po/
? encyclopedia/po/encyclopedia.proto
? encyclopedia/po/
? encyclopedia/po/
? encyclopedia/po/
? education/po/education.sq.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/education.proto
? education/po/
? education/po/education.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/education.el.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-why.proto
? education/po/edu-why.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-team.proto
? education/po/edu-team.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-system-india.proto
? education/po/edu-system-india.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-software.proto
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-software.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-software-tuxpaint.proto
? education/po/edu-software-tuxpaint.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-software-tuxpaint.el.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-software-gimp.proto
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-software-gcompris.proto
? education/po/edu-software-gcompris.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-schools.proto
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-schools.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-schools.fa.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-schools.el.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-resources.proto
? education/po/edu-resources.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-projects.proto
? education/po/edu-projects.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-faq.proto
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-faq.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-faq.el.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-contents.proto
? education/po/edu-contents.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-contents.el.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-cases.proto
? education/po/edu-cases.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-cases-india.proto
? education/po/edu-cases-india.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-cases-india-irimpanam.proto
? education/po/edu-cases-india-irimpanam.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-cases-india-ambedkar.proto
? education/po/edu-cases-india-ambedkar.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-cases-argentina.proto
? education/po/edu-cases-argentina.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/po/edu-cases-argentina-ecen.proto
? education/po/edu-cases-argentina-ecen.ja.m4
? education/po/
? education/po/
? education/misc/po/edu-misc.proto
? education/misc/po/
? education/misc/po/
? doc/po/other-free-books.proto
? doc/po/
? doc/po/
? doc/po/
? doc/po/
? doc/po/doc.zh-cn.m4
? doc/po/doc.sq.m4
? doc/po/
? doc/po/
? doc/po/doc.proto
? doc/po/
? doc/po/doc.ja.m4
? doc/po/
? doc/po/
? doc/po/doc.el.m4
? doc/po/
? doc/po/
? doc/po/
? distros/po/screenshot.proto
? distros/po/
? distros/po/screenshot.ko.m4
? distros/po/screenshot.ja.m4
? distros/po/
? distros/po/optionally-free-not-enough.proto
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/free-system-distribution-guidelines.proto
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/free-system-distribution-guidelines.ja.m4
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/free-distros.proto
? distros/po/
? distros/po/free-distros.ja.m4
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/distros.zh-cn.m4
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/distros.proto
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/distros.ja.m4
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/distros.fa.m4
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/common-distros.proto
? distros/po/
? distros/po/common-distros.ja.m4
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? distros/po/
? copyleft/po/copyleft.zh-cn.m4
? copyleft/po/
? copyleft/po/
? copyleft/po/
? copyleft/po/copyleft.proto
? copyleft/po/
? copyleft/po/copyleft.ja.m4
? copyleft/po/
? copyleft/po/
? copyleft/po/copyleft.fa.m4
? copyleft/po/
? copyleft/po/copyleft.el.m4
? copyleft/po/
? copyleft/po/
? copyleft/po/
? contact/po/gnu-advisory.proto
? contact/po/gnu-advisory.ja.m4
? contact/po/
? contact/po/contact.proto
? contact/po/contact.ja.m4
? contact/po/
? contact/po/
? contact/po/
? contact/po/
? bulletins/po/thankgnus-index.proto
? bulletins/po/
? bulletins/po/bulletins.proto
? bulletins/po/
? award/po/fsfawardlist.proto
? award/po/award.sq.m4
? award/po/award.proto
? award/po/
? award/po/award-1999.proto
? award/po/award-1998.sq.m4
? award/po/award-1998.proto
? award/2003/po/2003.proto
? award/2003/po/2003-call.proto
? award/2002/po/2002.proto
? award/2001/po/2001.proto
? award/2000/po/2000.proto
? award/2000/po/
? award/2000/po/
? award/1999/po/1999.proto
? award/1998/po/nominees.proto
? award/1998/po/finalists.proto
? accessibility/po/accessibility.sq.m4
? accessibility/po/accessibility.proto
? accessibility/po/accessibility.ko.m4
? accessibility/po/
? accessibility/po/
? accessibility/po/
? gnun.lock
/web/www/www/,v  <--
new revision: 1.122; previous revision: 1.121
Triggering webpages update...
/web/www/www/po/,v  <--  po/
new revision: 1.34; previous revision: 1.33
Triggering webpages update...
Mailing notification to address@hidden sent.
make: Entering directory `/srv/data/home/g/gnun/checkouts/www/server/gnun'
No triggers to process; build apparently successful.
No new translations.
make: Leaving directory `/srv/data/home/g/gnun/checkouts/www/server/gnun'

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