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Re: [VM] [Launchpad Question #108267]: stunnel on Windows

From: Uday Reddy
Subject: Re: [VM] [Launchpad Question #108267]: stunnel on Windows
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 15:13:02 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

Alan Wehmann wrote:

> In the summer you recommended to VM users a move from Google group
> to gmane.emacs.viewmail
> (  Now you
> are bringing Stackoverflow into the mix.  Are you recommending a move
> from gmane.emacs.viewmail (address@hidden) to Stackoverflow?
> It is now not clear to me what you would recommend go to
> gmane.emacs.viewmail (address@hidden) and what you would
> recommend go to Stackoverflow.

Dear Alan, As I mentioned to you in an earlier email, the viewmail-info
list is not affected.  Only the Launchpad "answers" site will get
pointed to Stackoverflow.  Stackoverflow has much better infrastructure
than Launchpad for questions & answers.  Moreover, in contrast to
Launchpad, which nobody looks at other than the developers,
Stackoverflow is a public web site, and people with expertise with
various tools can provide answers.  In the example that brought this
issue to the fore, the other tools involved include stunnel, gnutls,
cygwin, Emacs smtp etc.


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