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Re: wget2 | Bug on Windows 10: No CAs were found in 'C:\ProgramData/ssl/

From: Mitch C (@MitchC)
Subject: Re: wget2 | Bug on Windows 10: No CAs were found in 'C:\ProgramData/ssl/ca-bundle.pem' (#663)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 06:08:55 +0000

Mitch C commented: https://gitlab.com/gnuwget/wget2/-/issues/663#note_2039965809

We added a default cafile as this is far more common in Windows than a 
cafolder.   The warning was meant to tell you if you had a cafile specified but 
it contained no CAs that there was likely an error (ie in formatting).

I think the solution here is to only call 
`gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file` if the ca file exists which would 
suppress the error.

https://github.com/rockdaboot/wget2/issues/335 has a bit more on the issue.  
the gnutls default used by wget2 falls back to the Windows native CA store 
which is why cert validation still works.

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