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[pspell-user] Pspell/Aspell C++ Level Notes

From: Kevin Atkinson
Subject: [pspell-user] Pspell/Aspell C++ Level Notes
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 12:34:37 -0400 (EDT)

For those of you that care:

Instead of using extremely low lever C++ in Pspell and extremely high in
Aspell I have decided to come to bring both to a middle ground.  That is
the following rules will generally be observed for both Pspell and Aspell

1) Exceptions will in general not be used
2) Templates will be used but extremely carefully.  I will only use
templates when there is a clear advantage to doing so.  I will also try to
avoid doing "fancy" stuff with them.  Specialization may be used but once
again only when it is clearly necessarily.
3) Namespaces will be used but there usage will be kept fairly simple.
4) STL containers will be used when appropriate
5) The string class will be used

Maintaining Pspell at such a low level cased an extremely number of wrapper
classes to be written for Aspell.  I fell abstraction is in general a good
thing but when it is used excessively it can also make it difficult to
figure out what is really going on.

My eventual goal is to allow the new Pspell be able to compile
with the latest version of Visual C++ and other not so good but often used

As always comments Welcome.

Kevin Atkinson
kevina at users sourceforge net

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