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[avr-chat] How to use memcpy_PF?

From: Gianluca Costa
Subject: [avr-chat] How to use memcpy_PF?
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 19:41:13 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101006 Thunderbird/3.1.5

I'm developing a boot loader for atmega128, it updates application-image
using GPRS (HTTP protocol) and I have to use many (constant) strings.
The main idea is to store the string in flash (not in RAM) and load this
string on the fly.
To "save" the string in flash I use code like this:

static cont char PROGMEM gprs_init[] = "AT+IFC=0,0\r"

well, because the bootloader (and all strings) is over 64k I can not use
memcpy_P. I see that in the new avrlibc release there is the memcpy_PF
function, but I do not understand how use this function. Can anyone 
explain me how to use this function of how resolve my problem?

Many thanks.


Gianluca Costa - Xplico project manager

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