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Re: [avr-gcc-list] fixed address for PROGMEM

From: Erik Christiansen
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] fixed address for PROGMEM
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 18:18:05 +1100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 12:12:21AM -0800, Simon Han wrote:
> Could I ask one more question? 

Yep, but then we should go back to the list.

> Do you think it is possible to implement "insmod" functionality in
> avr?  One specific problem I found is how I can get relocatable code.

There may be relevant expertise on the list. I don't know if building
gcc with "-fPIC" or "-fpic" is realistic for this target. Where would
the shared library be loaded from? What would do the job of ld.so?

> I am not an expert on linux kernel module, but I understand that the
> object file (.elf) can be used to insert into linux kernel as it provides
> the locations of both the functions and symbols.  It might be much harder
> to do in avr class device.
> Any suggestion or any warning?

Even the next AVR, with 256 kB of Flash, would be too small to run a
full linux kernel, I think. Is it even ROMable? A lean RTOS would be
better suited to these small 8 bit chips. (But don't let my incredulity
deter you. All the world's improvements have been made by people
dissatisfied with the status quo. :-)

> Thank you very much,
> Simon

You're welcome.

> ps.  I cc to the list for interested reader.



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