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[avr-gcc-list] How to compile for Mega128 using AvrEdit

From: dhananjay s pathak
Subject: [avr-gcc-list] How to compile for Mega128 using AvrEdit
Date: 12 Oct 2004 06:54:18 -0000


   i have been using the AvrEdit 3.5 since one year. i have mostly used it for 
Mega8L. now i want to use mega128. i tried compiling same program as that in 
Mega8 but it is giving me errors. 
   one of the errors

TCCR1B  = (0<<CS11);
the above statement is correct for both chips. isn't it? but while compiling in 
Mega 128 it gives 'cs11' undeclared.  

why is it so? 

i then downloaded the update of avr gcc compiler but wasn't able to link it 
with my AvrEdit .

can anyone help me out of this problem?


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