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Re: [avr-gcc-list] [bug] uint16_t optimization error for 8-bit AVRs.

From: Georg-Johann Lay
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] [bug] uint16_t optimization error for 8-bit AVRs.
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 12:59:45 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100302)

Lv Zheng wrote:
>>> C source codes are attached hereafter:
>> Obviously, not
>> * undefined: uint16_t
>> * undefined: boolean
>> * undefined: PN53X_REG_CIU_BASE
>> * undefined: PN53X_REG_CIU_SIZE
>> No crystal ball at this side of the cable...
>> See below for instructions
> I tried to put only required definitions into a single C file, but the
> avr-gcc failed to generate the incorrect result.  So I had to copy all
> of my includes into one single .c file to regenerate the error result. 
> Sorry for the large attached .c file.

You don't need to put anything anywhere ;-)

Just compile with -save-temps and show the i-file
*without* *HTML* *tags*.

And please describe the bug!

Don't expect that anyone will invest days to reverse-engineer your code and
work out what it supposes to do, what it does do, or what it does not do, if
you post thousands of lines.

At your option, work out a minimal test case that can be understood and still
exposes the artefact.

The more information you give, the better you explain the issue, the simpler
your test case is, the more non-needed stuff you omit, the more likely you will
get help.

You can add -dp -save-temps and explain where the bug can be seen in the s-file
and explain *why* the instruction is wrong and *what* is expected instead.

Moreover, you should ensure yourself that the issue is not already known, for
example PR46779 or PR39633.

If you just see a "missed optimization", then switch to a newer version of GCC
and/or try to tweak the command line arguments.

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