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Re: [Bino-list] XBMC plugin issues

From: Jörg Knitter
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] XBMC plugin issues
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 09:28:50 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20110414 Thunderbird/3.1.10

Am 24.05.2011 09:46, schrieb Robert Pliszko:
Hi Joerg

Could you replace and test it?
See attachment
Hi Robert,

I did, but I still get the same error message:

20:09:23 T:3079014272 M:750956544 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (FileBrowser.xml) ------ 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:750956544 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Open stream: smb://NAS/3D.mkv 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:750956544 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Output FORMAT: Red-Cyan dubois
20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:750956544 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Starting
20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:750956544 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players-settings 1] reading settings
20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:750956544 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Starting
20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:750956544 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Starting connection 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:750956544 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Starting connection 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:751075328 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Mounted path: /mnt/3D.mkv 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:751075328 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Prepare to play 3D movie 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:751075328 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Generating informations of 3D movie: "/mnt/3D.mkv" 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:751067136 ERROR: dll_fstat64 emulated function failed 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:751067136 WARNING: dll_setvbuf - May not be implemented correctly 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:751067136 ERROR: dll_fstat64 emulated function failed 20:09:23 T:2912930672 M:751067136 WARNING: dll_setvbuf - May not be implemented correctly
20:09:24 T:2912930672 M:726659072 NOTICE: .
20:09:24 T:2912930672 M:750915584 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 6 times.
20:09:24 T:2912930672 M:750915584 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Checking if movie is side-by-side or over/under 20:09:24 T:2912930672 M:750915584 NOTICE: [MULTIMEDIA Players 1] Checking if movie is half sbs 20:09:24 T:2912930672 M:750915584 INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
20:09:24 T:2912930672 M:750915584 ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.NameError
20:09:24 T:2912930672 M:750915584 ERROR: Error Contents: global name 'isHalfSBSSideBySide' is not defined
20:09:24 T:2912930672 M:750948352 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/vdr/.xbmc/addons/plugin.multimedia.players/", line 157, in ?
File "/var/lib/vdr/.xbmc/addons/plugin.multimedia.players/", line 49, in handleListing mystarter.play3DMovie(self.settings.playerLocation, self.settings.mediainfoLocation, fileSelect, self.settings.outputVideo, self.settings.audioLang, self.settings.subtitleLang, self.settings.subtitleSize, self.settings.subtitleCoding, self.settings.subtitleColor, self.settings.subtitleParallax) File "/var/lib/vdr/.xbmc/addons/plugin.multimedia.players/", line 82, in play3DMovie
check = Player.checkFile(appMediaInfo, pathMovie)
File "/var/lib/vdr/.xbmc/addons/plugin.multimedia.players/resources/lib/", line 389, in checkFile
if isHalfSBSSideBySide(pathMovie):
NameError: global name 'isHalfSBSSideBySide' is not defined
20:09:24 T:2912930672 M:750948352 INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--

I don´t think that this might be the problem, but XBMC and it´s scripts seem to be started as user "vdr" and not "root". And of course: Unfortunately no problems with other add-ons.

With kind regards

Joerg Knitter

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