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suggestion: -v switch for cut

From: Eric Pement
Subject: suggestion: -v switch for cut
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2004 20:16:20 -0600

This is really a suggestion rather than a bug report. The cut utility
could be made somewhat handier by adding a switch to invert the
printing output. Thus, whereas

     cut -c "1,3"

currently outputs only columns 1 and 3,

    cut -v -c "1,3"

would output every column EXCEPT columns 1 and 3. Likewise,

    cut -vf '2-4'

would print every field except fields 2, 3, and 4.  I suggest the
option -v for this switch to make it similar to grep, where -v also
works to invert the sense of the match.

If I have inadvertently sent this to the wrong email recipient, please
redirect this mail so it arrives at the program development team.
Thanks for your consideration.

Eric Pement - eric.pement [at] moody [dot] edu

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