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gas m68k/MRI segfault

From: Smith, Gene
Subject: gas m68k/MRI segfault
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 11:54:03 -0400

The following file segfaults in gas (binutils 2.13). But when the line
containing OFFSET, marked below, is removed it works ok. This is excerpted
from a larger file. I have seen this in a couple of different files. The
problems seems to be related to the arithmetic, e.g., SEL1030-SEL10, in the
list of DC.W's below and the subsequent OFFSET.

I assemble the file with this command line:
m68k-rtems-as --mri filename

SEL1010  BSR      CLR_STW       
         BRA      ESEL10                    
SEL1020  NOP 
ENDIF10  EQU      *                       
         BRA.S    ESEL10                 
SEL1040  LEA      DP_IN_OK,A0
SEL1050  BSR      UPD_STW                   
         BSR      DO_INS                   
         BRA.S    ESEL10                  
SEL1060  LEA      DP_IN_OK,A0               
SEL10    DC.W     SEL1010-SEL10           
         DC.W     SEL1010-SEL10          
         DC.W     SEL1010-SEL10         
         DC.W     SEL1010-SEL10 
         DC.W     SEL1020-SEL10
         DC.W     SEL1030-SEL10
         DC.W     SEL1040-SEL10
         DC.W     SEL1050-SEL10
         DC.W     SEL1060-SEL10
MX_TRAN  EQU      (*-SEL10)-2
ESEL10   EQU      *             
         RTS      !     
         OFFSET   0                 <--ok if this line gone 
cREGS    REG      D0/A0/A1      
         DS.L     1     
         DS.L     1
         DS.L     1

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