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[Bug-tar] [Q] control symlink creation time in tar archive ?

From: Hidehiko Nitta
Subject: [Bug-tar] [Q] control symlink creation time in tar archive ?
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 15:17:09 +0900

Hi, I have small question on the usage of gtar, so
I appreciate it very much if you could reply me with
some answer.

I am trying to extract symlinks as symlink with same
creation time as original from a tar archive. But, I always
get the creation time updated to a time of extraction.
Actually, I see a creation time is preserved in tar archive itself.

Is there any way to realize this inside gtar or outside gtar
after extraction on UNIX (Solaris) ?

My gnu tar version is below.
tar (GNU tar) 1.12

I appreciate your help.

Best Regards,
 Nitta Hidehiko 
 [Email: address@hidden

 DSP dev. EDA Application group
 Texas Instruments Japan Limited 
 TEL 029-881-4674 (EXT 8-881-4674)

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