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Re: difficulty with electric, kde3/qt3

From: Steven Rubin
Subject: Re: difficulty with electric, kde3/qt3
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 16:32:53 -0700

I'm having a little difficulty getting Electric 6.06 to build on my system (Suse 8.0/kde 3).
Some of this, I'm sure is just 'newbie trouble', but I'd appreciate some help.

It looks as if the hard problem is in 'src/tec/tecmocmos.o(.text+0x2f35)' and its reference to `tech_initmaxdrcsurround(void)', but I have no clue as to what to do about it. Also, I'm not going to worry about mktemp and mkstemp; should someone be worrying about them?

lICE - L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/lib/qt3/lib -lqt -lX11 -lm -lpthread
src/graph/graphqt.o: In function `emaketemp':
src/graph/graphqt.o(.text+0x780e): the use of `mktemp' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
src/tec/tecmocmos.o: In function `mocmos_setstate(long)':
src/tec/tecmocmos.o(.text+0x2f35): undefined reference to `tech_initmaxdrcsurround(void)'

The warnings about "mktemp" are ok and can be ignored.

The problem with the undefined function "tech_initmaxdrcsurround" is unusual. This module is defined in "dbtech.c". I suggest that you delete the object file associated with that module (db/dbtech.o) and then do the "make" again. If there is still a problem, examine the file (db/dbtech.c) and see if the routine is there...perhaps the module was corrupted during unpacking.

   -Steven Rubin

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