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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Integrate block outputting inconsistent results.

From: Miguel Duarte
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Integrate block outputting inconsistent results.
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 12:36:01 +0000

It worked.

I don't think it's about file opening permissions, it must be something else, but it did the trick. The reason I don't think it's about permissions is that the files are different, therefore the handle shouldn't even be the same, or am I wrong in thinking so?

Don't know why I need to take this care now, I've used this script a LOT of times before and this was the first time this happened (fresh GR install on a new computer).

Thanks a lot Marcus,

Best Regards,


2013/12/20 Marcus Müller <address@hidden>
Hash: SHA1

Hi Miguel,
don't shame yourself too much. We all make mistakes.

It could be that B can't open the file it wants to write, because the
file_sink of A still has it open. After the A.stop() have an A.wait()
and an A = None. The wait call should let your program wait until all
blocks are finished and no samples are left stuck in the flowgraph
The None-assignment should cause Python to deconstruct A, causing Swig
to call the destructor of the C++ blocks and thus in turn should close
the file_sink's file. Sadly, Python is a modern language/runtime and
has lazy garbage collection. So in some cases, it might happen that
python decides that it should clean up later instead of instantly at
the A=None; then we still have a problem.
To solve that, you might overload your top_block's stop() method,
making sure that it calls miguels_file_sink.close() after stopping the

class detector(grc_wxgui.top_block):
        def stop(self):

Hopefully, that helps.


On 20.12.2013 00:10, Miguel Duarte wrote:
> I hope this doesn't start a new thread. I wanted to answer on my
> thread but I didn't get my own message on my inbox so.. I hope it
> works.
> I ended up getting what was wrong, and I feel ashamed on so many
> levels, I'm sorry. I was using complex data. Damn.
> Anyway, after changing everything, it all works as expected. So I
> delved a little into what was causing my troubles initially.
> It seems that my top block class "refuses" to be instanced twice,
> with two different identifiers.
> So let's say I have a
> class detector(grc_wxgui.top_block_gui) def __init__(self,
> options):
> Where I start an instance A with a certain set of options and an
> instance B with other options.
> I do: A = detector(options) A.start() time.sleep(x) A.stop()
> change options
> B = detector(options) B.start() time.sleep(x) B.stop()
> I have a file sink in the flow graph. With instance A it writes
> everything, with instance B it doesn't. Nothing is changing the top
> block, and even with the options parameter switched only A works.
> Is there something in this new release which prevents this from
> working?
> Thanks in advance,
> Miguel.
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