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Re: collections of primitive types

From: Chris B. Vetter
Subject: Re: collections of primitive types
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 10:43:26 -0800

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 10:26:24 -0800
Travis Griggs <tgriggs@keyww.com> wrote:
> NSArray looks fine for storing objects. But quite often I want an
> array of floats or ints. What's the general approach? Do I box up the 
> primitive numbers in objects and use NSArray? Is there a FloatArray or
> IntArray thing? Write my own?

Use categories and methods ala

@implementation NSMutableArray (MyStuff)

- (void) addFloat: (float) value
  [self addObject: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: value]];


@implementation NSArray (MyStuff)

- (float) floatAtIndex: (unsigned) index
    value = [self objectAtIndex: index];
  return ( [value respondsToSelector: @selector(floatValue)]
          ? [value floatValue]
          : 0. );    // probably not the best return value...



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