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Re: Shiira

From: stefan
Subject: Re: Shiira
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 08:50:34 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.3a-1

> Adrian Robert a écrit :
>> On Sep 13, 2004, at 2:14 PM, Yen-Ju Chen wrote:
>>> http://hmdt-web.net/shiira/index-e.html
>>> Shiira is a web browser based on WebKit/Cocoa.
>>> but it used NSDrawer, NSSearchField, etc.
>>> After Objective-C++ support in GCC is released,
>>> it can be a good target to port.
>> Wouldn't this require porting WebKit as well?!  (Assuming that is
>> open-sourced.. I know KHTML is, but not sure about WebKit.)
> It is. Actually, it's already ported [1]. But it's ported through loads
> of C++ -> C wrappers, and getting ObjC++ in gcc would allow us to get a
> "native" WebKit working.
> [1] Thanks to Stefan: https://gna.org/projects/gswebkit/

Actually i'm wating for ObjC++ to become ready (i'm updating my
gcc 3.5 cvs almost every day :-). Meanwhile, i'm working on making
WebKit stable and usable. One word about the architecture (don't know
if this belongs here but maybe it's interesting):
While implementing WebKit for GNUstep i recongized that Apple designed
WebKit in a way that the rendering engine could be exchanged without too
many problems. There are not much dependencies between WebKit and WebCore.
Thus, it should be possible to have WebKit support khtml and gecko for
example (or dillo if someone want's to port it :-). The programmatic
interface for applications won't change because WebKit abstracts away
the details of the rendering engine.

just my 2 cents

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