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Re: RFC: Removal of Gorm's outline view class editor

From: Benhur Stein
Subject: Re: RFC: Removal of Gorm's outline view class editor
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 16:29:31 -0200

On Sun, 5 Dec 2004 12:14:45 -0800 (PST), Gregory John Casamento
<greg_casamento@yahoo.com> wrote:
> All,
> As just about anyone who's used Gorm knows, the outline view can be used to
> edit classes.   This is a feature which was present in IB on OPENSTEP and
> NeXTSTEP, so it was felt as though this would help people make the transition
> from those systems to GNUstep.

Your message reminded me of another outline view 
present in OS's IB and absent from Gorm.
It's the outline view that showed the hierarchy of 
objects in the nib.
In this view, one could see the connections going from
the outlets to the objects or from the objects to the 
actions, and one could also create connections (with 
the control key). I used it most to make connections 
in situations I could not do in the objects themselves 
(like when there is a matrix of buttons inside a scrollview).


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