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Re: Window Maker on Solaris

From: Chris B. Vetter
Subject: Re: Window Maker on Solaris
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 09:27:18 +0100

On 11/15/05, Andreas Höschler <ahoesch@smartsoft.de> wrote:
> Hello all,
> However, who's responsile for the background image in Window Maker.

You are ;-)

There should be a file ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart
You can use it to display a different background picture (there may be
a different way, but if so, I do not know about it)
Simply add a line like
  xv -root -max -quit ~/Desktop/Wallpaper/ClassicAquaBlue.jpg


Attachment: ClassicAquaBlue.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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