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Re: [Fwd: Frame Height Different for Default Frame and Additional Frames

From: Robert J. Chassell
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Frame Height Different for Default Frame and Additional Frames]
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 23:09:01 +0000 (UTC)

    Today's GNU Emacs CVS snapshot, Fri, 2007 Dec 28  11:02 UTC
    GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.12.1)
    started with:

      /usr/local/src/emacs/src/emacs -Q -D \
       --eval '(setq-default mode-line-buffer-identification
                             (quote (#("%14b" 0 4 (face (:weight normal))))))' \
       -fn "-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--20-200-75-75-C-100-ISO8859-1" \
       --visit=/usr/local/bin/emacs-test                               \
       --eval "(setq frame-title-format '(\"Emacs test:  %b\"))"       \
       --eval '(set-frame-name "Emacs test")'                          \
       --eval '(switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")'                         \
       --eval '(emacs-version t)'

martin rudalics said,

    What I wanted to express above is that my initial Emacs frame has
    the same height regardless of whether I have toolbars enabled or

That is a different issue than RMS was dealing  with.  As far as I
understand, he was concerned with the number of lines of text.

Toolbars on my system take up two lines and the heights of an Emacs
instance in X, the first frame, changes, although at the moment the
number of text lines stay the same regardless whether I evaluate

    (tool-bar-mode 0)
    (tool-bar-mode 1)

(As I said earlier, the height of the first frame changes.)

I like it that the number of lines of text stays the same.

    Robert J. Chassell                          GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    address@hidden                         address@hidden
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  http://www.teak.cc

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