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[emacs-wiki-discuss] planner broken up into lots of little files

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] planner broken up into lots of little files
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 00:35:44 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

planner.el broken up into lots of little files

It should compile cleanly under Emacs 21.3 (CVS). I'm still trying to
figure out how to install the fsf-compat package under XEmacs so that
I can get it to compile cleanly there.

WARNING! Many user-visible changes. In particular, you will now need
to require a bunch of other things in order to get the old behavior. I
should figure out how to set up the appropriate autoloads. In the
meantime, add some variant of the following to your .emacs:

<example mode="emacs-lisp-mode">
(require 'remember)
(require 'planner)
(require 'remember-planner)
(require 'planner-experimental)
(require 'planner-bbdb)
;; (require 'planner-diary)
(require 'planner-gnus)
(require 'planner-id)
;; (require 'planner-notes)
(require 'planner-rss)
;; (require 'planner-schedule)
;; (require 'planner-timeclock)
(require 'planner-w3m)

This will no doubt break a number of things. Please complain loudly.
If you want the old version, you can get a tar.gz from
or files from http://sacha.free.net.ph/notebook/emacs/emacs-wiki-old/ .

Sacha Chua <address@hidden> - Ateneo CS faculty geekette
interests: emacs, gnu/linux, making computer science education fun

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