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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: updating a note?

From: pll+ew
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: updating a note?
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2004 15:14:07 -0400

In a message dated: Wed, 07 Apr 2004 02:49:00 +0800
Sacha Chua said:

>There's a planner-update-note in planner-experimental.el . Check it
>out, but very carefully -- no guarantees! <laugh> If you like it and
>it seems to work, drop me a note and I'll merge it into the main

Hmmm, that seemed to do BadThings to my project page buffer :(

I went from having a * Tasks and * Notes, both with stuff in them, to 
just having what was _under_ the * Notes header, but no actual header.

 C-x u didn't, giving me a backtrace of:
 Signaling: (error "Changes to be undone are outside visible portion of buffer")
   primitive-undo(1 (("  " . 377) (375 . 377) ("  " . 316) (314 . 316) ("  " . 
95) (93 . 95) ("  " . 15) (13 . 15) ("2" . 375) (374 . 375) ("2" . 314) (313 . 
314) ("1" . 93) (92 . 93) ("1" . 13) (12 . 13) (" " . 452) ("#C2  _ Speak with 
Susan wrt WebSite {{Tasks:6}} (2004.04.06)\n#A2  X Check perl versions between 
www and www-staging {{Tasks:1}} (2004.04.01)\n" . 311) (452 . 593) (452 . 453) 
(" " . 151) ("#A1  X Check perl versions between www and www-staging 
{{Tasks:1}} (2004.04.01)\n#C1  X Speak with Susan wrt WebSite {{Tasks:6}} 
(2004.04.06)\n" . 10) (151 . 292) (151 . 152) ("2" . 756) (755 . 756) ("1" . 
606) (605 . 606) nil ("\n" . 753) nil ("\n" . 753) nil ("[[WebSite]]" . 753) (t 
16499 . 222) nil ("  " . 377) (375 . 377) ("  " . 316) (314 . 316) ("  " . 95) 
(93 . 95) ("  " . 15) (13 . 15) ("2" . 375) (374 . 375) ("2" . 314) (313 . 314) 
("1" . 93) (92 . 93) ("1" . 13) ...))

I think I'll stay away from anything called -experimental for now ;)


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