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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Emacs-wiki 2.63 released

From: Michael Olson
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Emacs-wiki 2.63 released
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 19:21:33 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

I have released emacs-wiki version 2.63.0, which corresponds with
patch-43 .  A tarball may be found at
Here are the highlights.

 - Docstring re-wording in `emacs-wiki-coding-default'.

 - Reverted change to `emacs-wiki-refresh-file-alist' as well as the
   massive amount of changes made to functions that used it.  This
   brings an end to the "cons function debacle".  A slight speed
   increase might result from this, but that's what I said last time,
   too ... ;^) .

 - The ChangeLog is now included in the base directory, so you don't
   have to type "tla changelog" to make it.  To get this working, all
   I had to do was "tla changelog > ChangeLog; tla add ChangeLog".  It
   is automatically updated on each commit.

* What's next? *

 - Rename files bugfix

 - Read up on Debian Developer documentation so that when I apply,
   things can go as smoothly and quickly as possible.

 - Make emacs-wiki configurable to not crawl nested directories.
   The default should be to not crawl them so that intuitive setups
   can "just work".

 - Integrate PGG (calls gpg for encryption/decryption) functionality,
   thanks to a patch from Anirudh Sasikumar.

 - Try out Mario Peter's fix for spaces-in-wiki-links brokenness.

Michael Olson -- FSF Associate Member #652 -- Web: http://www.mwolson.org/
Jabber: mwolson_at_hcoop.net -- IRC: bigmike160 on freenode.net: #muse, #pulug
  /~ |\ | | |   Interests: animé, Debian GNU/Linux, XHTML, wiki, Lisp
 |_] | \| |_|  Fun quotes: http://www.mwolson.org/plans/QuoteList.html

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