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[FR-devel] Introduction

From: Ian MacLean
Subject: [FR-devel] Introduction
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 10:51:35 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20021018

I'm new to the list so here is my brief introduction. I'm a developer working mainly in C++, C# and python, perl and some ruby when I can. I work for activestate writing plugins for visual I met Curt and Rich at rubyconf and was really impressed by what I saw of FreeRide both from the presentation and Rich explaining bits of the code one on one. I'd like to say I could help out in a big way but I'm pretty busy right now - I'll be moving countries in a month - so I'm going to lurk for a while and help out where I can.

btw where can I find the ripper code ? - it didn't seem to be on RAA.


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