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[ft-devel] Re: xorg crashes with freetype2-2.1.10

From: Jeremy Messenger
Subject: [ft-devel] Re: xorg crashes with freetype2-2.1.10
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 17:51:19 -0500
User-agent: Opera M2/8.01 (Linux, build 1204)

On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 15:24:40 -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke <address@hidden> wrote:

Looks like the freetype module in xorg (and XFree86) makes reference to
SFNT_Service->find_sbit_image which is now 0 in FT 2.1.10 (it used to be
initialized to tt_find_sbit_image).  This causes X to die rather
abruptly when trying to dereference this symbol:

I assume this was done by design in FT (though I couldn't find a commit
message that said spoke about this particular change).  If so, what
should X be doing to correctly obtain the glyph sbit?  Thanks!

I have solved the crash. I have been using it for the thirty minutes and no crash so far. If I do unpatch and it will crash within five minutes. Here's patch to put in freetype2/files. Don't know if patch is right, but at least it's fixed for me.

I found it by compared freetype2 2.1.9 and 2.1.10, you can check if you want to see for youself. I removed compare of Makefile, configure and other useless stuff.

It looks like 2.1.10 removed or disabled *find_sbit_image? Search for 'find_sbit_image' in freetype2-compare.diff.bz2.



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