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Re: [ft-devel] freetype and harfbuzz (Re: Freetype-devel Digest, Vol 142

From: Vincent Torri
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] freetype and harfbuzz (Re: Freetype-devel Digest, Vol 142, Issue 13)
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 18:21:45 +0100


On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 3:37 PM, Hin-Tak Leung
<address@hidden> wrote:
>  Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 11:55:24 +0100
>  From: Vincent Torri <address@hidden>
>  To: address@hidden
>  Subject: Re: [ft-devel] freetype and harfbuzz
> <snipped>
>> Actually, it is exactly the case a friend has, and I am
>  asking this
>  question for him because he is a bit busy. He is working on
>  an
>  installer for Windows. But it seems that the design of his
>  installer
>  makes difficult to resolve the circular dep with the 3 steps
>  mentioned
>  above.
> Why is it a problem - and also, how often do you need to build it? and which 
> tool chain (msvc or mingw gcc) are you using?

as it is an installer, not often. Currently, we build a lot because we
are facing some compilation problems with some packages.

toolchain, as mentioned in my last mail ; cross compilation on linux
using mingw-w64, targetting 32 and 64 bits arch.

Vincent Torri

> If you don't need to do it too often, you can just do it once and keep the 
> binaries and be done with it.
> If you need to do it often - like I do with a patched freetype dll as part of 
> another thing - you still don't need to do all three steps all the time.
> I have a static harfbuzz having dynamic dependency to unmod'ed freetype; and 
> build modified freetype dll which is linked with the static harfbuzz. So the 
> outcome is a modified dynamic freetype dll which have static harfbuzz 
> built-in . I only do step 3, mostly. The ABI interface between harfbuzz and 
> freetype don't really change all that much, if at all, between versions of 
> either.
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