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Re: I need help

From: Georg C. F. Greve
Subject: Re: I need help
Date: 09 Jun 2001 11:06:33 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090004 (Oort Gnus v0.04) Emacs/20.7


 || On Fri, 8 Jun 2001 18:50:45 -0400
 || no <address@hidden> wrote: 

 n> I am currently working on a project which encompasses the gpl.It
 n> is not strictly software based but it is being created in the
 n> spirit of the free software foundation and the principles of the
 n> fsf organization.

I'd be interested to hear more about that project. Is there a web page
or description for it?

 n> I am looking for legal advice concerning copyright in Europe
 n> (Ireland specifically as I am from there),as well as any details
 n> on setting up charitable/non profit organizations.

This seems to be somewhat the wrong forum for it as this list is
mostly concerned with legal issues of the (L)GPL. 

Someone on this list *might* happen to know some of the answers you
seek, but I wouldn't expect this. Also to know whether they do, they
would know what the specific questions are.

In general I'm assuming that Ireland will recognize copyright and that
the GPL should work there. But since many countries have pretty
specific differences between their laws, you'd probably need an expert
on Irish copyright law to answer your specific questions.

 n> p.s Is there any fsf Europe branches in IRELAND?

Not yet, although we definitely want to have one eventually. If we had
done so already we would have information about charitable
organizations in Ireland that we could give you. But as it is, we need
to gather that information ourselves, so if you happen to find it
somewhere else, we'd appreciate you sharing it with us.


Georg C. F. Greve                                       <address@hidden>
Free Software Foundation Europe                  (http://fsfeurope.org)
Brave GNU World                            (http://brave-gnu-world.org)

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