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Upgrade problem 0.6.32git

From: Sonusss
Subject: Upgrade problem 0.6.32git
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 17:14:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120312 Thunderbird/11.0

Dear All,

I compiled successfully the latest gnokii git release 0.6.32 but for some reasons the config file is not valid anymore while it was working  with 0.6.29.

I wanted to upgrade because the Nokia C1-01 seems to be not fully supported with version 0.6.29 reported:

    Host system:        linux-gnu
    Gnokii version:     0.6.32git
    Xgnokii version:    1.0
    SMSD version:       1.5.2
    X (GTK+) support:   yes
    smsd support:       yes
    Postgres support:   no
    SQLite support:     no
    MySQL support:      yes
    Debug:              yes
    XDebug:             yes
    RLPDebug:           yes
    NLS:                yes
    IrDA:               yes
    ical read support:  yes
    Bluetooth:          yes
    libusb support:     yes
    phonet support:     yes
    libpcsclite support:no
    readline support:   yes
    Build Shared Lib:   yes
    Build Static Lib:   yes
    Windows:            no
    Prefix:             /usr/local

My config file:

port = 14:36:05:76:38:DE
model = series40
initlength = default
connection = bluetooth
use_locking = yes
serial_baudrate = 115200
smsc_timeout = 10

allow_breakage = 0

bindir = /usr/sbin/
TELEPHONE = 12345678


debug = on
rlpdebug = on
xdebug = off

console result with 0.6.29:

address@hidden:~/.config/gnokii> gnokii  --identify
GNOKII Version 0.6.29
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
LOG: rlpdebug mask is 0x1
Config read from file /home/jfb/.config/gnokii/config.
Lockfile /var/lock/LCK..14:36:05:76:38:DE is stale. Overriding it...
phone instance config:
model = series40
port = 14:36:05:76:38:DE
connection = bluetooth
initlength = default
serial_baudrate = 115200
serial_write_usleep = -1
handshake = software
require_dcd = 0
smsc_timeout = 10
rfcomm_channel = 0
sm_retry = 0
Forcing rfcomm_channel = 14 for FBUS connection
Serial device: opening device 14:36:05:76:38:DE
Channel: 14
Channel: 14
Using channel: 14
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |                
Message received: 0x1b / 0x003a
01 4a 00 08 00 01 58 34 00 30 56 20 30 35 2e 34 |  J    X4 0V 05.4
30 0a 30 31 2d 30 36 2d 31 31 0a 52 4d 2d 36 30 | 0 01-06-11 RM-60
37 0a 28 63 29 20 4e 6f 6b 69 61 20 20 20 20 20 | 7 (c) Nokia    
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0a 43 00                   |         C      
Received message type 1b
model length: 6
Received model RM-607
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0005
00 01 00 00 41                                  |     A          
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |                
Message received: 0x1b / 0x001a
01 4a 00 01 00 01 41 14 00 10 33 35 39 33 34 34 |  J    A   359344
30 34 32 37 37 39 38 36 37 00                   | 042779867      
Received message type 1b
Received imei 359344042779867
Message received: 0x1b / 0x003a
01 4a 00 08 00 01 58 34 00 30 56 20 30 35 2e 34 |  J    X4 0V 05.4
30 0a 30 31 2d 30 36 2d 31 31 0a 52 4d 2d 36 30 | 0 01-06-11 RM-60
37 0a 28 63 29 20 4e 6f 6b 69 61 20 20 20 20 20 | 7 (c) Nokia    
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0a 43 00                   |         C      
Received message type 1b
Received revision V 05.40
model length: 6
Received model RM-607
IMEI         : 359344042779867
Manufacturer : Nokia
Model        : RM-607
Product name : RM-607
Revision     : V 05.40
Serial device: closing device

Console result with 0.6.32

address@hidden:~/.config/gnokii> gnokii  --identify
GNOKII Version 0.6.32git
Unsupported [global] connection value "bluetooth"
Couldn't read /home/jfb/.config/gnokii/config config file.
Couldn't read /home/jfb/.gnokiirc config file.
Couldn't read /etc/xdg/gnokii/config config file.
Couldn't read /etc/gnokiirc config file.
Config file cannot be read.

Many thanks for your attention.

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