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Re: [GNU Crypto] GNU Crypto with Java 5

From: Casey Marshall
Subject: Re: [GNU Crypto] GNU Crypto with Java 5
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 18:10:09 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Anderson <address@hidden> writes:

Jonathan> Hi,

Jonathan> I'm using the Java 5 SDK from Sun, and I had trouble
Jonathan> compiling GNU Crypto.

Jonathan> According to the Java 5.0 API, getNegotiatedPropery(String)
Jonathan> in both and
Jonathan> may throw an
Jonathan> IllegalStateException, but both
Jonathan> gnu.crypto.sasl.ClientMechanism and
Jonathan> gnu.crypto.sasl.SeverMechanism throw an
Jonathan> IllegalMechanismStateException (which is a SaslException)
Jonathan> instead.

Jonathan> I was able to get my setup compiling by making the following
Jonathan> change in both (and an almost-identical
Jonathan> one in ClientMechanism):

Jonathan> <diff>
Jonathan> <original>
Jonathan>     public Object getNegotiatedProperty(final String propName)
Jonathan>     throws SaslException {
Jonathan>        if (!isComplete()) {
Jonathan>           throw new IllegalMechanismStateException();
Jonathan> </original>

Jonathan> <modified>
Jonathan>     public Object getNegotiatedProperty(final String propName)
Jonathan>     throws IllegalStateException {
Jonathan>        if (!isComplete()) {
Jonathan>           throw new 
Jonathan> </modified>
Jonathan> </diff>

Jonathan> This doesn't seem to alter the spirit of the thing (and
Jonathan> grepping through the source couldn't find any
Jonathan> "catch(SaslException" or "catch(Illegal"), but hey, you're
Jonathan> the experts!

Yeah, the API in GNU Crypto is (I think) an
earlier version than the one in Java 5, and diverges a little.

I should put out a patch release to 2.0, but don't usually have the

Casey Marshall || address@hidden

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