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Re: [gnugo-devel] gnugo 3.4 problems

From: bump
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] gnugo 3.4 problems
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 09:11:30 -0800

Gunnar wrote:

> > This doesn't address the problem at move 118.
> That problem has already been solved between 3.4 and 3.6 in the sense
> that O15 is now valued lower than the correct semeai moves at S17 and
> T17. Unfortunately S19 is valued even higher, but that's the same
> problem as in move 120.

On my machine, GNU Go still generated 118 at O15 when the game was
replayed using --replay black. When I loaded the game and
generated a move it played S19.

> Move 104, black N8:
> Semeai move is P19, leaving a 3-step ko in black's favor.
> The played move at N8 (tenuki) leaves a 2-step ko in black's favor.
> Move 108, black L10:
> Semeai move is P19, leaving a 2-step ko in black's favor.
> The played move at L10 (tenuki) leaves a direct ko where white still
> must find the first ko threat.
> Move 114, black T15:
> Correct move is P19, leaving a direct ko where white must find the
> first ko threat. 
> The played move at T15 leaves a direct ko where black must find the
> first ko threat.
> Tenuki leaves a 2-step ko in white's favor.

This is all exactly correct. Especially, Move 114 should
not take the ko until the last step of the semeai, which
is of course a general principle.

> Since GNU Go only distinguishes between good ko where the opponent
> must find the first ko threat and bad ko where itself must find the
> first ko threat, it's only at move 114 where it has a chance to tell
> the good moves from the bad moves.

Still this is a very good semeai game. Here's another:

PW[Daniel Bump]
PB[GNU Go 3.7.1 prerelease]

W made some mistakes in this game but we are concerned
with black's mistakes, not white's.

Black should have killed the upper right corner at 42.

At move 58 if B connects at C19 W can only get a very bad
ko. But the correct local move is A14 which wins the ko

Move 59 is W's move but this is also a good test. W's
move is wrong, and W should throw in at C19 to get seki.

At move 60 B can get seki at A14 or a favorable ko at


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