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Extended trill (long squiggly line)

From: Daniel Burrows
Subject: Extended trill (long squiggly line)
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 08:01:56 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.17i

  I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to typeset an extended trill
mark (usually drawn as a long squiggly line, I believe) using Lilypond.  I
have a "Tr", but in order to indicate the duration right now I'd have to put
in a bunch of tied notes or something; I'd rather have the squiggles. :)

  (this is in the context of a fairly free, cadenza-like section, which is
   why I'm being fairly loose with durations)


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <address@hidden> --------------------\
|            Whom the gods would destroy, they first teach BASIC.             |
\---------------------- A duck! -- ---------------------/

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