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Minor typesetting annoyances (bugs?)

From: Daniel Burrows
Subject: Minor typesetting annoyances (bugs?)
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 22:50:22 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.17i

  I'm not sure if these are bugs or not, but I've noticed some somewhat
annoying anomalies in the way Lilypond typesets music and was wondering
if there are workarounds.

  Oh yeah, this is with the Debian packages of Lilypond 1.3.132-1.

  (a) if a clef change occurs at the end of a line, the new clef and the
  end-of-measure bar are drawn off the right-hand end of the staff; that is,
  the staff lines end, there's some blank space, and then the new clef and the
  measure line appear, floating sort of "in limbo".  I can give you an
  example if you like.

  (b) Key-signature changes at the end of a measure are drawn before the
  barline.  Maybe this is different for other instruments, but standard
  practice for piano as far as I know is to draw the new key signature after
  the double bar.  At least an option to change this would be nice
  (apologies if there is one and I overlooked it)

  (c) This one is probably NOT a bug, but something where I don't know the
  incantation to force the outcome I want.  I have a piece with a fairly
  constant left-hand figuration (repeated triplets, mostly), and varied
  activity in the right hand -- including clef changes and grace notes.
    Lilypond tends to break up and/or compress the left-hand notes to
  "make room" for the grace notes and clef changes, but the result is
  extremely visually unappealing, at least to me.

    I would like to tell Lily something like this: the grace notes and
  clef changes (which don't happen at a strict metric location) should be
  allowed to be drawn at the same point as some notes in other voices in
  the preceding beat. (there's plenty of room)


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <address@hidden> --------------------\
|           "Oh my god!  The entire map is written in GIBBERISH!"             |
|           "Worse, my friend.  It's written in German!" -- Fluble            |
\---- Be like the kid in the movie!  Play chess! -- ---/

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