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Re: [Help-gnucap] gnucap with verilog-ams netlist input

From: John Griessen
Subject: Re: [Help-gnucap] gnucap with verilog-ams netlist input
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 11:39:34 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20081018)

al davis wrote:

What are the pos and neg terminal names in the built in

For a capacitor (and most basic 2-terminal devices) "p" and "n", as per the Verilog-AMS spec.

I tried a simulation and get a message about internal node 2 open even though I 
have none of that name specified.

Here is some gnucap output I am confused by:

module verilog_io (GND,OUT,IN);
// continuous assignments
// Package instantiations
capacitor #(.c( 1.25u)) C1 (.p(B),.n(GND));
inductor #(.l( 0.001)) L1 (.p(B),.n(OUT));
resistor #(.r( 1.K)) R1 (.p(IN),.n(B));
endmodule // verilog_io

>VIN (IN GND)  pulse(iv=0, pv=5, period=0.02, width=0.01)
module verilog_io (GND,OUT,IN);
// continuous assignments
// Package instantiations
capacitor #(.c( 1.25u)) C1 (.p(B),.n(GND));
inductor #(.l( 0.001)) L1 (.p(B),.n(OUT));
resistor #(.r( 1.K)) R1 (.p(IN),.n(B));
endmodule // verilog_io

vsource #(pulse.iv( 0.), .pv( 5.), .delay(NA( 0.)), .rise(NA( 0.)), .fall(NA( 0.)), .width( 0.01), .period( 0.02)) VIN (.p(IN),.n(GND));
gnucap-verilog>print tran v(nodes)
gnucap-verilog>tran 0 0.1 .001
#Time       v(GND)     v(IN)      v(n)       v(p)
open circuit: internal node 2
 0.         140.52     145.52     0.         0.
 0.001      140.52     145.52     0.         0.
 0.002      140.52     145.52     0.         0.
 0.003      140.52     145.52     0.         0.


Ecosensory   Austin TX

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