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Re: gnu make and compile engines.

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: gnu make and compile engines.
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 10:22:23 -0400

%% Barry D Benowitz <address@hidden> writes:

  bdb> RSH_BEGIN = rsh -n $(CC_engine) "cd $$(pwd);

  bdb> RSH_END = ; echo $$$\?"  > .return_status

This won't do what you want.

You have the redirection _outside_ of the quotes, so it's not being
passed to the remote system but is instead being executed on the local
system.  As I said, rsh always returns success if it managed to contact
the remote system, regardless of whether the remote command succeeded or
failed, so the contents of .return_status will always be 0 (success).

You need to put the redirection inside the quotes, so it's sent as part
of the remote command.

  bdb> RSH_TEST_RETURN_STATUS = if [ "`tail .return_status`" -ne "0" ] ;\
  bdb>                                                  then \
  bdb>                                                          -rm $@;\
  bdb>                                                          exit 1;\
  bdb>                                           fi

Note the above "-rm" is a syntax error; make only handles special chars
like "-" as the _first_ character on a command line; this is far from
the first character.  You'll have to remove the "-" or you'll get an
error from the shell about "no such command, '-rm'" or similar.

I really strongly urge you to consider a different option, though, such
as invoking the entire make inside the rsh instead of each command
individually, or else using one of the distributed build add-ons for GNU
make.  It'll be much more efficient.

Also, note that using a simple filename like .return_status means you
can never do parallel builds....

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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