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RE: Regarding running shell script from Makefile

From: Dave Korn
Subject: RE: Regarding running shell script from Makefile
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 11:52:59 +0100

On 14 May 2007 11:03, gshejin wrote:

> mkp:
>   @echo "Mkproduct..."
>   @echo "-----------------------------------------"
>   @if [ ! "$(MY_DIR)" ] ;then echo "The Atmos Directory path is not set...";
> else echo "Atmos Directory path is set" ;if
> [ -d $(MY_DIR) ] ;then  echo "$(MY_DIR) exists...Starting mkproduct..." ;
> echo "mkproduct options:$(ARGS_MKP)";cd $(MY_DIR); mkproduct $(ARGS_MKP); if
> [ $$? -eq 0 ] ;then echo "Mkproduct ended successfully..." ;else echo "Error
> during mkproduct..." ;fi ;else echo "$(MY_DIR) does not exist" ;fi;fi
> =================================
> In normal scenerio I will do the following thing
> $export PATH=/myhome/tools/bin:$PATH
> $make mkp
> This will build the third party source.
> But, my requirement is to have the PATH defined in Makefile and then just
> run the make mkp, which should execute the shell script and other scritps
> which are there in /myhome/tools/bin. But I am encountering the following
> error.
> /bin/sh: line 1: mkproduct: command not found
> Error during mkproduct...

  So just put

export PATH:=/myhome/tools/bin:$PATH

at the start of your makefile.  (Note the use of ':=' instead of plain old '='
is necessary).

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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