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Re: Custom page size

From: karl
Subject: Re: Custom page size
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 08:40:22 -0400

    Could you please advise me how should I modify texinfo.tex to
    accomplish this task?

You don't need to modify texinfo.tex (unless you want to).  Instead,
create a definition in texinfo.cnf (sitewide or in your document's
directory or whatever), following the example of, say @afourpaper, and
changing the numbers to suit.

\gdef\afourpaper{{\globaldefs = 1
  \parskip = 3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt
  \tolerance = 700
  \hfuzz = 1pt
@end tex

See texinfo.tex for a description of the arguments to
\internalpagesizes, so you know what to put in.  (The first arg is the
height, the next the width.)

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