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XEmacs: *Compile-Log* and *Compile-Log-Show*

From: xyblor
Subject: XEmacs: *Compile-Log* and *Compile-Log-Show*
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 19:43:00 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.4.19 (windows-nt)

When Gnus prepares a summary of a group, I guess it has to compile the
newsrc.eld file, and XEmacs creates two logs of the compilation in
buffers. However, since these are always empty, it's just a nuisance
to have these useless buffers created all the time.

Here's what I added to my init.el to solve the problem:

(defun kill-empty-logs ()
  (dolist (buf (list (get-buffer "*Compile-Log*")
                     (get-buffer "*Compile-Log-Show*")))
    (if (and buf (= (buffer-size buf) 0))
        (kill-buffer buf))))

(add-hook 'gnus-summary-prepare-hook 'kill-empty-logs)

Is this a good solution? Why doesn't Gnus have something like this
built in? Or should it be considered XEmacs' fault for not cleaning up
after itself? Is the situation the same in Gnu Emacs?

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