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[Koha-devel] koha 2.0.0pre2 for wednesday ?

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] koha 2.0.0pre2 for wednesday ?
Date: Mon Jul 7 07:42:09 2003
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030425

As we fixed some important bugs and had a few improvements, I plan to release a 2.0.0pre2 version wednesday

2 requests :
* if you have something to commit (bug fix only please), commit it asap.
* if you want me to wait a day or 2, feel free to argue (but argue. don't say "please wait", without reasons).

The 2.0.0pre2 release notes should be (feel free to tell if you fixed a bug I forget !):
* checkmarc.pl : added a check on fields mapped to item marc tag (from Paul). * dramaticaly improving the speed of a MARC search in case of a A OR B search. Added possibility to search on more than 3 parameters. (from Esiee & Paul)
* overdue books backported from 1.2.x (& templated) (by Chris)
* some additionals check to verify a borrower can borrow a book (by Esiee)

* 2 stupids & majors bug in MARC editor, due to too fast copy/paste. (fixed by Paul) * bug 479 : I have problem to assign a Sticky due date, it uses day date as year due date !!! (fixed by ?) * bug 471 : missing next / previous in itemtype admin page, in case there is more than 20 itemtypes (fixed by Paul)
* bug 474 : alternate contact no more required (fixed by Paul)
* bug 478 : value modification with single quote now works (in parameters section) (fixed by Paul)
* bug 489 : poor file copying during install (fixed by MJR)
* bug 526 : gst rate hardcoded. Moved to systempref (see SYSTEMPREFS chapter). (fixed by Paul) If supplier parameters are set to do it, the gst are now auto calculated with javascript.
* bug 512 : bibliosubject table is not being populated (fixed by Paul)
* bug 513 : marclinks: default mapping typo (fixed by Paul)

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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