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Re: [libmicrohttpd] Small upgrade for MHD home page

From: silvioprog
Subject: Re: [libmicrohttpd] Small upgrade for MHD home page
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2015 14:42:50 -0300

Hm... about Windows package, the problem is just to keep an old version on home page, because there is the first place that an user find the lib, and this very old version miss a lot of important fixes. :-/

I have two sugestions to distribute the Windows package on home page:

1. keep only the latest compiled version (I can help you building the binaries);
2. keep only the sources of the latest version (eg

I'm expecting a better market to the lib. :-)

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 4:31 AM, Christian Grothoff <address@hidden> wrote:

I've bumped the source link to actually match the last release.
I don't build the W32 binary, so I cannot help it being outdated.

Also, unlike NodeJS [1] our source build is not insane, and if you're
using MHD and you cannot build from source, it won't be of much use to
you. And for end-users, the respective operating system distribution
package manager should provide binaries anyway. As most end-users
wouldn't know how to check signatures on downloaded binaries, that's
also the only way to get them (relatively, see [2]) secure binaries.

(That doesn't matter for W32, that's a lost cause anyway.)

Happy hacking!



Silvio Clécio

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