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[libreplanet-discuss] Libre Business for the Planet

From: Logan Streondj
Subject: [libreplanet-discuss] Libre Business for the Planet
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 13:37:37 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

- Financing
- Planet-wide Project
- Unifying Vision
- Large Noosphere
- Big Itch
- Amount Solved

- Financing

To Librefy the Planet, there are several factors at play.
If we go by the Libre Cell analogy I made in a previous post, 
think of developers/code as protein (structural parts of project),
users/money as carbohydrates (main fuel), and investors/stock as fat.

One of the best ways I see to implement this financian structure for a
project is using CryptoCurrency or rather Crypto-Stock. Can take
Proof-of-Stake coin like NXT, add in feature to allow it to
split-stock, then sell it like shares or coins of the project. 

Users that want to motivated a bug fixed or feature added,
would buy some coin/shares, and put into the "bug-wallet",
then the developer who fixes the bug could get the contents.

With NXT style marketplace, it may be possible to host the whole
project as a Distributed Autonomous Organization, with forums,
bug-tracker, and code all stored on the ledger. 

Based on my research of cryptocurrencies, a single share/coin should
be worth ~0.01USD, since it's difficult to trade in smaller
quantities, it's also what most new coins approximate after the hype
dies down. like NXT is worth something like ~0.02. 

Also for places like Africa, where micropayments are common, it is
important to have a low value for the coin/share, 
to main it accessible. So if the value gets too high, the
stock/coin/shares can be split, so everyone gets to have say double or
triple the coins they were holding, but each is worth half or third of
the price correspondingly.

- Planet-wide Project

The next question is what can be an overarching Planet-wide Libre
software Project? One that can bring together all the people of the
world? Perhaps create a Libre Planet Government.

I'm working on a Libre Software Project and Business, which may be
able to help us win over the world into copyleftism.
Speakable Programming for Every Language (SPEL).

0. Unifying Vision
To have a successful intentional community, or any project really,
it is important to have a unifying vision. People like to feel like
they are a part of something greater, like they are contributing to
the greater good.

AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), is a Big Idea, 
many in the west shudder in fear that propri company will do it first,
then replace the work force, and the wealthy wont need them anymore,
so off with the skynet nukes and 99% who are sitting ducks in cities.

OpenCog, is a project that hopes Libre Software will get AGI first.
SPEL aims to create a crowd-sourced AGI, by enlisting millions
possibly billions of new software developers, grateful for Libre 
Software and ready to take advantage of the world economy 
and noosphere with high accuracy precision translation 
and human langauge programming which SPEL gives them access to.

On Fri, Mar 06, 2015 at 09:09:30AM -0600, Will Hill wrote:
> their Halloween documents.  

It says for successful Libre Porject (Based on Cathedral and Bazaar),
it is required to have

1. Large future Noosphere.

Right now, Libre Software, is limited to English speakers,
either first or second language.  English is the native language of
only 300 million people, and even with second langauge speakers, it is
at 1.2 billion, less than the 1.3 billion of Mandarin.
Reality is that we have over 7 billion people on the planet,
and there are over 6,000 languages.

SPEL allows for creation of native-like human languages as input,
and can output to both human and computer languages.
With the 20+ languages it currently supports,
it can theoretically allow over 4 billion people to co-operate,
as if they were all speaking the same language,
and programming in the same langauge.
Extending for more languages is easy.

the native-like human languages do take at least a few days 
or weeks of study to use by a native speaker,
though less than learning a foreign language,
and likely less than learning programming for the first time.

It would eventually be possible to have support for the vast majority
of human and computer languages.

2. Scratch a Big Itch (for humand and developers)

(for humans)
The human translation itch is a big one,
It allows us to get a toehold in a large variety of countries.
the Libre Business, will be providing translation services,
in linguistically diverse hotspots, like Belgium, India, Phillipines, 
South Africa, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Iran, Bolivia, Guatemala, 
Papua New Guinea.

(for developers)
there is the porting apps to different programming language itch.
can call it the "horizontal integration itch"
Especially in the case of mobile app development,
where typically need at least  Javascript/HTML5(web),
Java (android), and Objective C (IPhone), then possibly others 
for Firefox OS and Blackberry.

Then there is the "vertical integration itch",
SPEL can allow for programming at all levels using same human language
syntax.  Application (Java), System (C), Assembly (various), Hardware
(VHDL/SystemC), GPU (OpenCl), Graphics (OpenGl).

SPEL can theoretically accomplish this unity,
just as we can describe all of those and their usage in English.

3. Solving the right about of the problem first
Parser translator at analytic level is done for human languges.
Nested text parsing should be completely done by spring.
will work on translation to programming languages in summer.
have a small group on mailing list giving feedback.

So it's not yet "enough" for co-ordinated development of programming
languages, though is sufficient for basic human language coordination
at the moment. 

Logan Streondj

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