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Re: second developers' meeting in Koblenz

From: Stephen
Subject: Re: second developers' meeting in Koblenz
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 09:23:18 -0500

. Shape of ties and slurs: Sharpened endings.  Currently, the ratio
 between the thickness of the start and end of a slur compared to the
 thickness in the middle is too low.  The thickness at the start and
 end should be reduced.>

Right now, short slurs look better than long ones. This is because the eye is not looking at the absolute sharpness so much as the rate of tapering toward the end with a maximum sharpness beyond which you do not want to go. Very short slurs need to be tapered less than long ones, otherwise I think you will find that your longer slurs will look better with the sharper endings and beginnings, but your short slurs will look fat.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Werner LEMBERG" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 5:07 AM
Subject: second developers' meeting in Koblenz

Here are the results from the second LilyPond developers' meeting in
Koblenz -- this is, Han-Wen and I spent one evening and morning
together having some nice talks. :-)

The following is a list of various things which should be added or
fixed in our opinion.

. Overprint boxes.  The idea is that in case some text is colliding
 with another grob (like a bar line), we add a possibility to `erase'
 a rectangle slightly larger than the text before the text is

. Shape of ties and slurs: Sharpened endings.  Currently, the ratio
 between the thickness of the start and end of a slur compared to the
 thickness in the middle is too low.  The thickness at the start and
 end should be reduced.

. Flushright bar numbers: I've mentioned already in a previous mail
 that bar numbers should be moved to the right as it was in previous
 lilypond versions.

. Rotated hairpins.

. Separate control of extra-offset property for beginning and ending
 of spanners.

. Insertion of cue clefs.  This is necessary for cues which use a
 different clef than the instrument part.

. Bug: Whole bar rests sometimes don't get enough horizontal space.
 The reasons are unknown yet.  I think I've reported it already a
 longer time ago.

. `+' sign for time signatures, to have e.g.

     1   7
     - + -
     4   8

 This glyph is missing.

. Handling ties in chords.  This should be fixed after the next major
 release -- Han-Wen told me that he intends to completely rewrite the
 tie code.

. Ties into `nothing' (l.v. = laissez vibrer).  Again this is just a
 reminder that this feature is needed for many composers (e.g.,

. Symbols for start and end of `Hauptstimme' and `Nebenstimme'.
 Needed for `Wiener Schule'.  They look approximately like this:
    _      _          _     _
   H  ..... |        N ..... |

. It might be useful to have commands like \useTeXbackend to make
 lilypond emit a warning if the wrong backend is used (cf. "\ " which
 actually prints a backslash followed by a space in PS output but an
 unbreakable space in TeX).

. Beam direction: Test the algorithm which I've mentioned in another
 mail (this is, use the biggest vertical offset of beamed notes to
 decide the direction).

. Bug: Make hairpins end just before barlines.

. Bug: Separate cue note sections must end spanners.

. Bug: Triplet brackets must not overlap.

. [This is my suggestion only]: Provide


 as a shorthand for

   \once \override Grob

 This would save a lot of typing.  Example:

   \DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1)

Note that the items tagged as `bug' are mainly reminders for Han-Wen,
so don't wonder if they appear as cryptic to you :-)


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