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Re: fong shape of fingering

From: Stefan Thomas
Subject: Re: fong shape of fingering
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 21:53:18 +0200

Which version do You use?
With my version it looks convincing

2008/9/19 Bertalan Fodor <address@hidden>
I get this when compiling:

Stefan Thomas írta:
Dear all,
maybee You have asked yourself, why I wanted the layout of the fingerings.
The reason is: In my opinion lilypond does not handle very well  tuplets in a cross-staff context. The eample below shows first a very strange position of the number. The second one is convincing. Isn't it possible to make the tuplet numbers better fit (sorry for the bad english) to the beams?

re = { \change Staff = rechts }
li = { \change Staff = links }
ohnezahl = { \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f }
tuplets =  { \context Voice <<
{ \times 4/5 { c''8 g e'' c g'' } c''2 }
{ \repeat "unfold" 2 { \re \stemDown  s8*4/5 \li \stemUp s } \re \stemDown s s2 }
>> }
rechts = { \tuplets \ohnezahl \context Voice << { \tuplets } { s 4*4/5 s8*4/5 _5 } >> }
links = { \clef bass s1*2 }

\version "2.11.49"
\score {
\new PianoStaff = "Klavier"
        \new Staff= "rechts" { \rechts }
           \new Staff = "links" \with {
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##t }
    { \links} >>   

\layout {\context { \Score 
\override Fingering #'font-size = #'-2
\override Fingering #'font-encoding = #'latin1
  \override Fingering #'font-family = #'roman
  \override Fingering #'font-shape  = #'italic }

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