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Re: [lmi] [PATCH] wx_test_validate_output.cpp

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] [PATCH] wx_test_validate_output.cpp
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2015 21:25:37 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/31.3.0

On 2015-03-03 22:51, Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Mar 2015 00:16:05 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:
> GC> I've copied my results below. I expect
> GC>   default_update: ERROR (Assertion failure: A message box "Unable to read 
> file 'C:/etc/opt/lmi/default.ill'. [file 
> /lmi/src/lmi/illustration_document.cpp, line 110] " was shown unexpectedly, 
> expected defaults dialog. [file /lmi/src/lmi/wx_test_default_update.cpp, line 
> 96, in run()].)
> GC> until that test is made conditional on '--distribution',
> [As an aside, I'll post the long due patch doing this soon]

Okay, that one no longer occurs.

However, I see this new error:

input_sequences: ERROR (Input validation problems for '': Interval [ 20, 310 ) 
is improper: it ends after the last possible duration. Current token ';' at 
position 42.  [file /lmi/src/lmi/input_realization.cpp, line 260] )

The default input and retirement ages are 45 and 65 respectively,
as I have no default input file. The '310' doesn't make sense.
I never saw anything like that with the old version.

> GC> but is this error:
> GC>   validate_output_census: ERROR (Assertion 'output_values.exists()' 
> failed (file "C:/opt/lmi/bin/values.tsv" after print case to PDF). [file 
> /lmi/src/lmi/wx_test_validate_output.cpp, line 360] )
> GC> expected?

I still have that error.

>  No :-( I am not sure why don't I see it here, my only (not grounded in any
> fact) hypothesis is that you might have some different values in your
> configurable_settings.xml, e.g. for the "print_directory" or
> "spreadsheet_file_extension" keys? In my case they have what I believe to
> be the default values: "C:/opt/lmi/bin" and ".tsv" respectively.

I have the same default values.

BTW, /var/opt/lmi/spool is hardcoded in the program, but no such
directory exists, and any value given in 'configurable_settings.xml"
should override it. At any rate, /opt/lmi/bin is used when I run the
test manually below.

>  If you do have the same values there, then I'm afraid that I need help
> from you in diagnosing this issue. I'd like to ask you to check if the
> expected output file is created under a different name or maybe in a
> different directory, either by using "find /cygdrive/c -mmin -5" (5 is
> probably too big, the test shouldn't take that long but just to be sure) or
> by monitoring the files created by the test in real time with Process
> Monitor (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb896645.aspx).

Within five minutes of rerunning the test suite I did this:
  find /cygdrive/c -mmin -5 | grep tsv
It found
and several 'MSEC*' files in the same directory, but no "values.tsv".

>  Also, and perhaps even before doing this, could you please check if
> performing the same steps as the test does manually creates the expected
> file?

/// File | New | Census
/// Census | Edit case defaults
///   Comments: "idiosyncrasyZ"
///   Corporation name: "ABC Inc."
///   OK
///   Yes (apply to all)
/// Census | Edit cell
///   Insured name: John Brown
///   OK
/// Census | Add cell
/// File | Save as "ABC" [used in output file names]

This is saved in /opt/lmi/eraseme BTW; I guess that happens to be the
last directory where I saved a file. And there's no "values.tsv" there.

/// Census | Edit case defaults
///   Comments: replace contents with "idiosyncrasy_spreadsheet"
///   OK
///   Yes (apply to all)
/// Census | Print case to PDF
/// Verify that this file was created:
///   values.tsv

Now /opt/lmi/bin contains "values.tsv" along with three pairs of
new "ABC*.fo.xml" and "ABC*.pdf" files.

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